vocab 1 Flashcards
all the tissues that has grown including the cambium taken collectively and forming the exterior of the eylem of a tree
a tree stem that has grown to substantial thickness, generally capable of yielding sawtimber, veneer logs, large poles or pulpwood.
any short log cut to a specific length
butt end
the end of a tree originally connected to the stump
butt log
the lowest log on a bole
butt rot
any decay or rot developing in and sometimes characteristically confined to the base or lower stem
butt swell
the part of a log outside its normal taper, extending from where normal taper ends and the flare begins to the large end of the log
an instrument for determining tree and log diameters by measurement of their rectangular projection on a straight graduated rule via two arms at right angles
a defect on the surface of a tree or log resulting from a wound where healing has not reestablished the normal cross section
charred wood
wood converted to charcoal as a result of incomplete combustion
the fruiting body of a fungus denoting the presence of rot
cull log
a log not meeting the specified product requirements due to defect
any imperfection occurring in and affecting the quantity of products which the log is being scaled
diameter, small end
the average diameter inside bark at the upper end of the tree length or log segment
abbreviation for Diameter Inside Bark, a measurement of the diameter at the point on a tree or log that includes wood only
Diameter outside the bark, includes wood and bark
firm red heart
a form of incipient decay characterized by a reddish color produced in the heartwood
a rapid increase in the taper of a log at the butt of a swell
a division of a log or stem of a tree into two or more prongs