Vocab 1 Flashcards
Travelling courts
Adversarial System
The judicial process whereby evidence is presented by two opposing parties to an impartial judge or jury.
Case law/ Common law
A method of deciding cases based on recorded decisions of similar cases.
Law that is common to all people.
Circuit judges
Judges of travelling courts
Code of Hammurabi
One of the earliest-known set of recorded laws, written by King Hammurabi of Babylon in the eighteenth century BCE.
Code of li K’vei
A set of Chinese laws written around 350 BCE
Arranged and recorded systematically
Divine right
The ides that monarchs no their successors derived their power to rule from God and that they were accountable only to God.
Great laws of Manu
Laws compiled in India between 1280 and 880 BCE, previously transferred through oral tradition.
Habeas Corpus
A court order designed to prevent unlawful arrest by ensuring that anyone detained is brought before a court within a reasonable amount of time.
Justinian’s Code
The clarification and organization of roman law commissioned by Byzantine Emperor Justinian.
Magna Carta
A charter signed by King John of England in 1215 that recognized individual basic rights for people in England.
Mosaic law/ 10 commandments
Biblical or Hebrew law found in the Old Testament
Napoleonic code
A code of law in France commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804
Quebec Civil Code
The system of law used in Quebec for resolving private matters; based on the French civil code.
Punishment that requires the offender to pay the victim or society back for the harm or loss caused by the crime.
Punishing an offender for revenge or to satisfy the public that the offender has paid for the crime.
Rule of law
Three part principle of justice:
- ) the law is necessary to regulate society
- ) the law applies equally to everyone
- ) people are not governed by arbitrary power
Rule of precedent
Applying a previous decision to a case that has similar circumstances
Stare decisis
“Stand by the decision”
The great binding law
The constitution of the Iroquois confederacy that outlined many of the same principles of justice and fairness that are found in modern civil rights documents
Trial by combat
Determining guilt or innocence by having the parties involved in a dispute fight a duel.
Trial by oath helping
Requiring friends of the accused to swear on the bible that he or she is innocent.
Trial by ordeal
Requiring the accused to undergo torture to determine innocence or guilt.