voca2 Flashcards
Chinese workers are not forced into factories because of our in_______ desire for iPods.
in ‘sa tia ble
= un con ‘trol la ble
get ‘dissolve’d in water
물에 녹다.
its softer mantle rock is being nu_____ (poke) westward by the harder mantle beneath East Antarctica.
: one syllable
: one syllable
Researchers have shown that West Antarctic bedrock is being pushed sideways at _____ of ___ ___ about twelve millimetres per year.
= a bit of
up to
A person who travels and re____ in a foreign country but is unable to read or write in the language of the host country would also be regarded by the locals as being il_______.
re ‘sides
il ‘lit er ate
The key to literacy is reading development, a progression of skills that begins with the ability to understand spoken words and de______ written words
de ‘code
= con ‘vert (a coded message) into intelligible language.
its first use in the 1700s, with the syn_____ (= the combination of ideas to form a theory or system)of a number of aromatic compounds.
historical rec________, including an approach to an_______ through the sense of smell.
rec re ‘a tions
: the action or process of creating something again.
“the periodic destruction and recreation of the universe”
: activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.
an ‘tiq ui ty
= ancient times
a perfumer who was cred_____ = attribute (a를 b의 결과값이라고 생각한다), assign, with being the first recorded chemist.
‘cred ited
: publicly ac knowl edge someone as a participant in the production of (something published or broadcast).
“the screenplay is credited to one American and two Japanese writers”
Perfume is a mixture of fra_____ essential oils or aroma compounds, fix_______ and sol_____.
‘fra grant (sweet-scented)
a ‘ro ma
‘fix a tives
: a chemical substance used to preserve or stabilize biological material prior to microscopy or other examination.
“an alcoholic fixative”
‘sol vent
: the liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution.
which allowed for the composition of perfumes with smells previously un__________ solely from natural ar o ‘mat ics alone.
un at ‘tain a ble
: not able to be reached or achieved.
when I pal_______ (= ‘no tice a bly or clearly) feel how much I rely on other people for petty much everything.
‘par pa bly
: noticeably or clearly.
“palpably false claims”
what I’m here to talk to you about today is how that same in___________ (=the dependence of two or more people or things on each other) is actually extremely powerful social infrastructure.
‘in ter de ‘pen dence
Im__________ a plan to address a dangerous and unanticipated failure can be difficult.
‘im pro vising
: create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously (=as a result of a sudden impulse and without premeditation.
“the crowd spontaneously burst into song”) or without preparation.
We’re asking questions to computation that have no single right to answers, that are subjective and open-_______ and value-______.
: the action of mathematical calculation.
“months of computation carried out on 200 computers”
the use of computers, especially as a subject of research or study.
‘lad en
=loaded, burdened
which con_____ is more likely to re________?
convict = prisoner = inmate
re of ‘fend
because we cannot an_____ computation for such subjective decisions
‘an chor
=use, secure, attach
Did the bridge s____ (swing) and fall?
we have agreed-____, fairly clear bench_____
benchmarks = standard
They want to avoid scap_____ who are known for f_______ the migrant workers.
‘scalp ers
: a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit.
fleecing (one syllable) = cheat
: obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them.
“money that authorities say he fleeced from well-to-do acquaintances”
working as ja_____
‘jan i tors
By vir____ of growing up low-______, my siblings and I went to some of New York City’s most struggling public schools.
by virtue of (due to / because of)
‘in come
only 20per cent of the kids graduating were college-______
a relatively low number of her p____ were adequately prepared for further study after high school.
: a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.
Today’s technologies are incredibly in_______,
In ‘tu i tive
=in ‘stinc tive
The reason we’ve been able to re______ from all disciplines (different type of jobs, skills eg. law) and s______ (turn, move) into specialised skills is because modern systems
re ‘cruit
‘swiv el
: a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other.
that skill requires a far less ‘rig or ous and for_______ education that it did in the past.
‘for mal ised
How can motivation be nur______ in a home environment?
suggesting that these companies are more mind____ of protecting environment.
: conscious or aware of something.
Female voices and greater di_____ in the boardroom would appear to be a money saving move for many companies.
When rainwater fills small hol____ in the se________ of river beds across the African savannah
the fish, which were buries, must h____, grow, mature, and product the next generation
This is the fastest rate of ma______ recorded for a vertebrate.