Voc P59-60 35-56 Flashcards
にゅうがく (入学)
*entrance into school; admission
ごうかく (合格)
*passing (an exam)
おいわい (お祝い)
*congratulatory gift; celebration
はじめて (初めて)
*for the first time
さいしょ (最初)
*at first
*to name
いかい (理解)
*understanding; comprehension
うごく (動く)
*to move
ざんねん (残念)
*unfortunate; regrettable; disappointing
*from now on; in the future
うまれる (生まれる)
*to be born; come into being
えんそう (演奏)
*musical performance
がくしゅう (学習)
*learning; study
しょくじ (食事)
さいこう (最高)
*The highest; maximum; best; greatest
うけつけ (受付)
Receptionist; reception desk
あんない (案内)
*guidance; guide sign
さんげんそく (三原則)
Three principles; three general rules
けが (怪我)
いはん (違反)
Violation; offense (of a law; rule)
まもる (守る)
*to protect (a person from); defend
もんだい (問題)
*problem; question; issue