Voc Inv 1 Flashcards
pronunciarse en contra, tomar posición
to take a stand
desteñir, disiparse, devanecer
to fade
carrera, racha
give - entregar, dar, transferir algo
to hand sth over
spend time idly - pasar el rato, divertirse
to hang out
go as fast, reach - alcanzar, reencontrarse
to catch up with
consume less - recortar, reducir
to cut down/back on
stop trying - darse por vencido, abandonar, dejar de
to give sth up
remove by cutting - recortar
to cut out
discover - descubrir, enterarse de
to find sth out
be friends, cope, progress, go away - llevarse bien, arreglárselas, prosperar, ¡lárgate!
to get along
be friends, progress, board - llevarse bien, progresar, subir a
to get on
friend: quarrel - pelearse, reñir
to fall out
make thinqs clean - limpiar
to clean up
encounter - encontrarse con
to come across sth/sb
almidón, almidonado
starch, starchy
arguement - pelea, discusión
cabellera, reventa
racimo, montón, manojo
try - intentar, tratar de
to attempt
force to accept - forzar, obligar to aceptar
to push through
plazo, cuota
elevar, incrementar, subir, levantar
to raise