VJ - Antimalarials I Flashcards
What is Malaria? (3)
- Derived from Old Italian “mal aria” (bad air)
- Caused by Plasmodium spp. via Anopheles mosquitoes
- One of the “big three” killers (with HIV & TB)
What are the primary regions where malaria is endemic? (3)
- Most of Africa
- Half of South America
- Parts of Southeast Asia
Why have malaria case reductions slowed since 2000? (3)
- Funding and resource limitations
- Resistance (mosquito and Plasmodium)
- Impact of COVID-19
What is the name of the mosquito vector and how is it distributed?
Vector: Plasmodium transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes (~40 species linked to malaria).
Distribution: Widespread globally, especially in tropical/sub-tropical areas; common near stagnant water (mosquito breeding sites).
What is the transmission cycle of malaria? (3)
- Mosquito ingests parasite by feeding on an infected host.
- Parasite grows and replicates in the mosquito’s gut.
- Passed to new hosts (8-15 sporozoites) via subsequent bites.
What are 2 other transmission routes of malaria?
- Blood transfusions, contaminated needles (rare).
- Intra-uterine (mother to baby)
What are the five Plasmodium species that cause malaria?
- P. falciparum (most severe, 90% of deaths)
- P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae (milder forms)
- P. knowlesi (zoonotic, affects monkeys and humans)
What are the main methods for malaria diagnosis? (3)
- Microscopic examination with Giemsa/Wright stain
- Antigen-capture (RDT)
- PCR (LAMP) for strain detectiona
What factors influence susceptibility to malaria? (2)
- Genetic traits: Sickle Cell Disease (HbS), β-thalassemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- Lack of Duffy antigens on red blood cells (blocks Plasmodium entry)
- Pregnancy
- Co-infections (e.g., HIV, helminths, COVID-19)
What is the life cycle of malaria? (7)
- Sporozoite Injection: Mosquito injects sporozoites into the bloodstream.
- Liver Stage: Sporozoites enter liver, where they reproduce asexually (~10 days, asymptomatic).
- Blood Stage: Merozoites are released into the blood, invade RBCs, reproduce asexually, and cause cells to burst—resulting in cyclic fever.
- Gametocyte Formation: Some merozoites become gametocytes, circulating in the blood.
- Mosquito Stage: Another mosquito ingests gametocytes, which mature into gametes and reproduce sexually.
- Oocyst Development: Form ookinetes that burrow into the mosquito gut wall, forming oocysts.
- Transmission Cycle: Oocysts burst, releasing sporozoites to the mosquito’s salivary glands, ready to infect a new host.
What is schizogony in the malaria parasite’s life cycle? (2)
Schizogony: Rapid asexual reproduction; a single P. vivax parasite can produce 250 million merozoites in 14 days
- Drug Challenge: Antimalarial drugs must destroy at least 94% of parasites every 48 hours just to maintain equilibrium, as the parasite multiplies so quickly.
What are the main strategies to stop malaria? (7)
- Vector Control: Targeting mosquitoes through larvicides, insecticides, and nets.
- Genetics: Releasing genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce population.
- Transmission Prevention: Drugs that block the spread from infected individuals.
- Vaccination: Developing vaccines to prevent infection.
- Acute Treatment: Drugs to treat active infections.
- Radical Cure: Drugs to eliminate dormant liver forms (prevent relapse).
- Prophylaxis: Drugs to prevent infection in at-risk individuals.
What are vector control methods for malaria prevention? (4)
1) Targeting Larvae:
- Use larvicides like Methoprene (hormone analogue) to prevent maturation.
- Remove/cover standing water (e.g., drain swamps, use oil films) to eliminate breeding sites.
2) Targeting Adult Mosquitoes:
- Apply insecticides and repellents.
- Use long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS).
3) Sterile Insect Technique (SIT):
- Release sterilized male mosquitoes to reduce population.
4) Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT):
- Release males infected with Wolbachia bacteria to produce infertile offspring.
What are the pros and cons of using DDT and Pyrethrins for malaria control?
- Opens voltage-gated Na+ channels in insects, highly selective for mosquitoes.
- Cons: Bio-accumulates in animals (t½ = 6-10 years), causing issues like eggshell thinning in predators (e.g., bald eagles). Restricted to vector control (Stockholm Convention 2004).
- Shorter half-life, safer alternative to DDT.
- Cons: More costly than DDT.
How have mosquitoes developed resistance to insecticides (3), and what is a potential solution?
Resistance Issues: Mosquitoes have developed resistance via:
- Enzyme upregulation (CYP450, GSTe2) to detoxify insecticides.
- Mutations making sodium channels insensitive.
- Thickened leg cuticle reducing insecticide uptake.
Solution: Combining CYP450 inhibitors with LLINs to enhance efficacy.