Vitamins Flashcards
What does Vitamin E do in the body?
It is an antioxidant so it helps to stop anything harmful from the air or water damaging the inside of our bodies
Where is Vitamin E found?
Vegetable oils
peanuts, seeds
wheat germ oil
What deficiency could a person with a low Vitamin E diet get?
A person could have a problem absorbing fat (which contains Vitamin E)
What does Vitamin K do in the body?
It helps the blood clot
Where can you find Vitamin K?
Green leafy vegetables cheese liver, asparagus coffee and green tea Bacon
Where can you find Vitamin B1?
Cereals such as wheat and rice, yeast and marmite, all types of meat, eggs and fish eggs, milk and dairy foods, seeds, nuts and beans
What deficiency could occur if you do not have enough Vitamin B1?
The body will have slow growth and development and a severe disease called beri-beri which causes muscle wastage
Where can you find Vitamin B2?
Liver, kidney and meats
Eggs and milk
Green vegetables
What could occur if someone had a low Vitamin B2 diet?
Dryness of skin around the mouth
Poor growth
Where can you find Vitamin B3?
Meat and poultry
Cereals and grains
Dairy products
Pulse vegetables such as lentils
What does Vitamin B9 do in the body?
Helps the body to use proteins
Essential for the formation of DNA in the body cells
Where can you find Vitamin B9?
Liver and kidneys
Wholegrain cereals
Dark green leafy vegetables
What could happen if someone didn’t have enough Vitamin B9?
Tiredness and anaemia
Lack of folate in pregnancy can cause the foetus to have spinal malformations and spinal bifida
What does Vitamin B12 do in the body?
It is needed to form a protective coating around nerve cells to make them work properly
Important for the production of new cells
Where can you find Vitamin B12?
Meat, fish and eggs
Dairy products