Vitamin A Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
MentioN Characteristics of Fat soluble vitamins
Absorbed with dietary fat
Transported in blood in Lipoproteins + sepcific binding proteins
Not readily excreted as significant amount are stored in liver and adipose tissue so excess in take can cause toxicity
Anti xeroptlamic
anti night blindeness vitramins is ?
Vitamin A
Show structure of vitamin A
Polyisoprenoid compound
Hydrocarbon + B-Ionone ring
Preformed Vitamin A is ?
Retinyl Ester in animal foods also stored in liver
Retinyl ester =Retinol + fattay acid
Mention active forms of Vitamin A
Retinoic Acid
The reversible reaction in vit A active form transormation
Retinol to Retinal is Reversed by reduction reaction
Preformed vit A is ?
ProVit A is ?
Preformed =Reinyl ester from animal
ProVit = B carotence percursor of vitamin A by Carotenase
Mention soruces of Vitamin A
الجزر غني عني التعريف ^_^
=Animal sources Retinyl ester preformed vit A :- Liver- cod liver oil - kideny- butter -cream -egg yolk
=Plant sources Provit A or B carotene :- ? Carrots - dark green leafy vegetables + fruits
peaches + apricot + sweet potato
why conveseion of B carotene into Retinal is non efficent ?
Due to low activity of the enzyme carotenase or carotene dioxygenase and the retionl formed from it represnts only 1/12 of the yield retionl
The only Vit A form that is not carried by RBP but carried by….. ?
It is Retinoic acid
carried by albuimen
Explain Absoprtion and transport of Vitamina A
When RE reaches the Intestine the ester disscoiates leaving the Retionl which is incroprated with B carotene in the miscelle ( Phosplipids- Cholesterol- Fattay acids - MOno acyl glycerol )
The miscelle enters the intestinal eipthelial cells where:-
B carotene converted into 2 retinal by Carotenase or carotene dioxygenase and some escapes the enzyme then retinal reduced into retionl
The retinol released already from miscelle + Retionl from B carotene are Esterified into REs which are incorporated into Chylomicrons with the ecaping B carotene
then CM enters lymph then blood converted into CM remenatns then to liver where retinyl ester becomes retionl to reach its target cell or the retiol will be stored as Reinyl palmitate
B carotene is carried By VLDL to be stored in Adipose tissue
What is the fate of B carotene in intestine ?
Absorbed in miscleele into the intestinal cell then:
1-Carotenase works on it to form 2 retinal then reduced to 2 retionl
2- Escapes carotenase to be in CM directly
after reaching liver carried in VLDL to be sotred in adipose tissue
stored from of vit A in liver?
Retinyl palmitate
Daily requirements of Vit A is > ?
RDA for adults 900 retional activity equivalent RAEs for male
700 RAEs for females
1 RAEs= 1 ug Retionl = 12 ug B carotene
Mentione Role vitamin A in vision ?
It is compnent of visual pigment of photorecpeotr cells of reds and cones which absop light causing chemical changes and nerve impulse discharge!