Vital Signs And Oxygen Quiz Flashcards
What is the normal pulse rate for an adult?
60-100 (BPM) beats per minute
What is the normal respiration rate for an adult?
12-20 breaths per minute
What is the normal blood pressure for an adult?
Too fast of a heart rate. A heart rate of more than 100 (BPM) in adults is called Tachycardia
Too slow of a heart rate. A heart rate of less than 60 (BPM) in adults is called bradycardia
How do you assess circulatory system
This is done by assessing rhythm, rate, quality and depth of the patient in question. An EMT’s general impression is the first assessment of the circulatory system. Assess the patients skin color, temperature , and condition as indicators of shock. Check the patients pulse. If the patient is unresponsive, check radial pulse. Note the general pulse rate (don’t spend time to get actual rate) pay attention to abnormally fast or slow rates as indicators that the patient has a more serious condition. If the pulse is absent, begin CPR with chest compressions and defibrillation sequence. You would also look for bleeding. Although external bleeding is a trauma issue, examine the scene in early parts of the call for vomited blood, Melina, Hematochezia , indication gastrointestinal bleeding.
Where are the various pulses in the body?
Carotid - side of neck
Radial - The wrist
Femoral - near the groin
Dorsal pedis -on top of the foot (distal pulses)
Brachial - at the inside of the elbow or under the shoulder
Posterior Tibialis - Medical, near achilies tendon.
(Also there is) Anterior tibial Apical pulse Ulnar pulse Popliteal pulse Posterior pulse
What is hypertension? (HTN)
High blood pressure is often at or above 140/90
What is Hypotension?
Low blood pressure.
When systolic is less then 90 mmHg
Or when Diastolic is less then 60 mmHg
What is Auscultation?
It is the term for listening to internal body sounds (usually with a stethoscope)
Used for the purposes of examining the circulatory system and respiratory system (heart and breath sounds), as well as gastrointestinal system (bowel sounds)
What is Palpation?
Palpation is the process of using one’s hands to examine the body. Especially while perceiving/diagnosing a disease or illness.
What is Systolic
Pressure exerted during heart contraction
What is Diastolic
Pressure exerted during relaxation of heart
What can cause unequal pupils?
Birth defects( Physiologic Anisocoria ) less then 10% of people have this
Eye injury
Drugs (eye medications) such as pupil dialators
Head injury - bleeding on side of brain makes pupil on side of injury larger
Artificial eye (glass eye)
What are signs of a head injury.
- Unconsciousness
- Inability to remember the cause of the injury or the events that occurred immediately before or up to 24 hours after.
- confusion/disorientation
- Difficulty remembering new information
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Blurry Vision
- Nausea and vomiting
- Ringing in ears
- Trouble speaking coherently
- Changes in emotions and sleep patterns
What is a child’s pulse rate?
1-8 years old - 80-100 (BPM)
Infants 1- 12 months - 100 to 120 (BPM)
Neonates - age 1 - 28 days. - 120 - 160 (BPM)
What is a child’s normal blood pressure
Children ages 1-8 years 80-110 mmHg ( systolic / diastolic )
Infants 1-12 months 70-95 mmHg
Neonates age 1-28 days > 60 mmHg
What is a child’s normal Respirations?
Children - age 1-8 years. 15 - 30 breaths per minute
Infant 1-12 months - 25-50
Neonates - 1- 28 days 40-60
Is pulse ox considered a vital sign?
How do you measure OAP’s?
From mouth to ear
What do we (EMS) consider the 3 pre hospital vital signs?
BP - blood pressure
Pulse -
Heart rate -
How do you insert a OPA
Insert in mouth at 90 degree angle and rotate (turn towards tongue) 45 Degree angle turn until OPA is placed correctly
How do you insert a NPA on an adult?
Nasal Pharyngeal Airways are sized by measuring the distance from patients nose to the patient’s earlobe. Place lube on NPA and make sure there is no nose bleeds or head trauma that may conflict with using a NPA. Check for nose fractures before inserting. Insert by orienting bevel of NPA along inside of nasal cavity NPA in clear nasal passage. When in doubt you may also size NPA based on size of pinky finger
How do you insert a NPA in a infant/child
Insert at 90 degree angle Measure the pinky finger?
What is the most important thing about ET(T) tubes for a EMT? (Think Scope of practice)
If a EMT is helping maintain a ET(T) He/She may hold it secure in place. If the ET(T) slips down a EMT may pull it back to position. Although, a EMT may not reinsert a ET(T) tube. The EMT must immediately tell paramedic to reinsert! EMT’s are not allowed to reinsert! EMT’s can ventilate patients through ET(T) when tube is already been placed properly by paramedics.
What does a EMT do when He/She is vomited on?
Clear the airway with rigid suction. Clearing a airway is and will always be a FIRST (highest) priority with patients who are critically ill.
Ventilation and insertion of an advanced airway are considered options after the airway has been cleared.
What is the normal oxygen percentage in the atmosphere?
A normal atmosphere contains between approx 21 % oxygen.
OSHA defines as oxygen deficient any atmosphere that contains less then 19.5 %, and as oxygen enriched, any atmosphere that contains more than 22%
What is Hypoxia?
Low oxygen in the bloodstream. Is a condition in which the body or region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply.
What is Apnea?
The term for suspension of external breathing. Lack of breathing.
What is Dsypnea?
Trouble breathing - Slow labored breaths - Patient is dying in front of you (patient’s last breaths)
What is the flow rate for a non-rebreather mask
12-15 LPM (liters per minute)
What is the flow rate for a cannula?
Flow rate of 1-6 LPM (liters per minute)
What is the normal flow for a BVM (Bag Valve Mask)
Normal rate is 15 LPM or higher for BVM
What percentage oxygen does a patient get when using Cannula?
Cannula oxygen supply’s the patient with ranges from 24% to 34% oxygen received.
What percentage oxygen does a patient get when using oxygen mask?
A non-rebreather mask can deliver up to 80% to 90% oxygen to a patient
How much air does a BVM (Bag Valve Mask) hold?
BVM holds between 1000-1600 ccd of air.
Important to note: BVM only delivers approximately between 600-800 ccs
What should a EMT do regarding oxygen tank safety placement and storage?
Always inspect the tank before using. Use non sparking wrenches to open oxygen valve! Do not drop cylinders place on elevated surfaces (tabletops) so that they can roll off, never leave oxygen tanks standing unsecured, do not use oil to loosen tanks (causes fire when refilling tank), Keep oxygen tanks away from open flames and smoking hazards. Keep. Always have oxygen tanks chained up on ambulance and in the proper oxygen tank holder.
What is Agonal?
Trouble breathing - patient is dysmic or has dysmia ( uncountable )
What is Tachypena?
Rapid breathing
What is tidal volume?
Amount of air we breathe in and out ( amount of air moved in one breath)
What is Hypercapnea?
High c02 levels
What is cyanosis?
A bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood