Vital Signs Flashcards
Main VS
What is blood pressure measured in?
Millimeters of mercury
Normal body temp. in Fahrenheit?
97.8F - 99F
What’s a normal HR in adults?
60 - 100 BPM
What’s a normal HR for children?
80 - 110 BPM
Name the 4 ways we can check temperature, and which one is most accurate.
Oral, Aural, Rectal, Axillary. Rectal’s most accurate
What’s a normal HR for an infant?
120 - 160 BPM
Body temp’s over 104*F
What is another way of saying fever?
Febrile, pyrexia
Normal respiratory rate for adults
14 - 18 BPM
Normal respiratory rate for children
15 - 30 BPM
Normal respiratory rate for infants
30 - 50 BPM
Difficulty breathing
Periods of time without respiration
Increased respiratory rate. Adults greater than 25 BPM
Slow/ decreased respiratory rate. Adults less than 10 BPM
Name the different BP sites and where they are
Radial (wrist), Brachial (inner elbow), Dorsalis pedis (crease of the top foot), popliteal (behind the knee)
Systolic blood pressure
Top number; when heart is pumping blood out of the heart, and into the body
Diastolic blood pressure
The bottom number; measures when the heart is refilling it’s chambers up with blood to be pushed out again
What is an average BP reading
Increased BP reading; above 120/80
Low BP; less than 90/60
Name all pulse sites for pulse
apical, Temporal, Carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis
Low HR; adults below 60 BPM
Increased HR; adults above 100 BPM
Abnormal and irregular heart beating
What 3 ways is pulse measured in?
Rhythm(regaular/ irregular), volume(strong / weak), rate
Which is the common artery to check BP?
Brachial artery