Visually guided orientation behaviour Flashcards
Q: What are the types of visual input exploited for orientation?
A: Landmark/azimuth, polarization and e-vector, contour/feature detection, motion detector.
Q: What is azimuth and its role in orientation?
A: The angle between the projected vector from an observer to a point of interest and a reference vector, helping with spatial orientation.
Q: What is the conceptual challenge in sensory space and orientation behaviour?
A: Translating spherical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates for nervous system encoding.
Q: What are the two vector components of electromagnetic energy?
A: The electric (E) vector and the magnetic (H) vector.
Q: How does polarized light contribute to orientation behaviour?
A: It provides directional information from celestial cues like the sun, moon, and stars, which animals detect through specialized photoreceptors.
Q: What role does the insect compound eye play in orientation behaviour?
A: The insect photoreceptor cells are sensitive to polarized light, which helps in detecting orientation via specific angles.
Q: What is the role of the central complex in insect orientation behaviour?
A: It integrates sensory information and translates it into motor output for spatial navigation and avoiding obstacles.
Q: How do different glomeruli in the central complex function in orientation?
A: Specific glomeruli respond to specific visual stimuli, representing the animal’s internal sensory surroundings.
Q: What is the significance of the E-vector in polarized light detection?
A: The E-vector of polarized light provides animals with directional cues that are processed in their neural circuits for navigation.
Q: What happens in the central complex when sensory information is no longer present?
A: Neuronal activity representing the sensory information persists, exemplifying short-term memory in orientation behaviour.
Q: What is motion detection in visually guided orientation behaviour?
A: The ability to distinguish moving visual stimuli from stationary ones based on luminance values from photoreceptors.
Q: How is motion detection related to the central complex in insects?
A: The central complex processes wide-field motion responses, translating sensory information into motor output.
Q: Which sensory inputs are processed by the insect central complex for visually guided behaviour?
A: E-vector of polarized light, angular path integration, and motion detection.
Q: What is the significance of the ellipsoid body in arthropods?
A: It represents a Cartesian map-like structure involved in internal sensory representation, not present in mammals.
Q: In what ways does the integration of sensory information in the central complex reflect the complexity of neural processing in navigation?
A: The central complex processes multiple sensory inputs (polarized light, motion detection, etc.), integrating them into a coherent map for spatial orientation. This illustrates how neural circuits can combine various types of sensory data to produce precise and adaptive motor outputs for navigation.