Visual system Flashcards
what is refraction
as light goes from one medium to another, the velocity changes → the ratio of the two speeds is the new medium’s index of refraction (this can be used to identify the material)
Light bends when it reaches a new medium: the path changes
When light reaches a new medium, some of it reflects at the boundary and some refracts through
what is the equation for the refractive index
speed of light in material 1
/ speed of light in material 2
What is the function of convex lenses and name some examples of convex lenses
Convex lens: rays converge to a focal point (camera and normal eye)
Film = retina, diaphragm =iris, aperture = pupil, lens = lens, black paint = choroid
What is the function of concave lenses and name some examples of concave lenses
Concave lens: rays diverge and spread out (can be traced back to a focal point)
what is emmetropia
normal eyes
Emmetropia (normal sight) = adequate correlation between axial length and refractive power
parallel light rays fall on the retina (no accommodation- adjustment of the lens to keep object in focus on the retina, as the distance from the eye varies)
what is ametropia
Ametropia = mismatch between axial length and refractive power
Parallel light rays don’t fall on the retina (no accommodation).
4 types
what are the 4 types of ametropia
myopia ( near sightedness)
hyperopia ( farsightedness)
what is myopia ? wat are the 2 types
causes? symptoms?
Myopia (nearsightedness): parallel rays converge at a focal point anterior to the retina Etiology unclear (genetic factor?)
Axial myopia: excessive long globe
Refractive myopia: excessive refractive power
Symptoms: blurred distance vision, squint to improve uncorrected visual acuity at a distance, headache
Treat: glasses (diverging lens), contact lens, surgery - remove lens to reduce refractive power
what is hyperopia
? wat are the 2 types
causes? symptoms?
Hyperopia (farsightedness): parallel rays converge posterior to the retina
Unclear etiology - inherited?
Axial (short globe) or refractive (insufficient refractive power)
amblyopia : uncorrected hyperopia >5D
Symptoms: visual acuity at near tends to blur early - more noticeable when tired, low light or fine print
Nature of blue is varied from inability to read fine print to near vision is clear (but suddenly and intermittently blur)
Also (asthenopic): eye pain, headache (frontal), burning eyes, blepharoconjunctivitis
Treat: positive/converging lens - glasses, contacts, cataract extraction + positive lens, intraocular lens
what is ambylopia
amblyopia : uncorrected hyperopia >5D
what is astigmatism
? wat are the 2 types
causes? symptoms?
Astigmatism: parallel rays come to focus in 2 focal lines instead of single focal point
Refractive media is not spherical: refract differently along one meridian instead of the perpendicular meridian
Dual focal points: punctiform object is represented as 2 sharply defined lines
Symptoms: headache, eye pain, blurred vision, distortion, head tilting and turning
Treatment: regular astigmatism (cylinder lenses with or without spherical lengs - convex or concave), Sx
rregular astigmatism: rigid cylinder lenses, surgery
what is the near response triad
Pupillary miosis (sphincter pupillae) increase depth of field
Convergence (medial recti from both eyes) to align both eyes towards a near object
Accommodation (circular ciliary muscle) to increase refractive power of lens for near vision
what is presbyopia
? wat are the 2 types
causes? symptoms?
of accommodation (focus for near objects)
Onset from age 40 years
Distant vision intact
Comes from increased rigidity of lens and ciliary muscles
Treat: reading glasses (convex lenses to increase refractive power), bifocal glasses, trifocal glasses, progressive power glasses
Spectacle lens: monofocal (spherical), cylindrical, multifocal
Contact lens: higher quality of optical image and less influence on the size of retinal image than spectacle lenses
Indication: cosmetic, athletic activities, occupational, irregular corneal astigmatism, high anisometropia, corneal disease
what are the types of sceptical lenses
Spectacle lens: monofocal (spherical), cylindrical, multifocal
what are the types of contact lenses and why are they used
Contact lens: higher quality of optical image and less influence on the size of retinal image than spectacle lenses
Indication: cosmetic, athletic activities, occupational, irregular corneal astigmatism, high anisometropia, corneal disease
what are the pros , cons and complications of contacts
Contact lens: higher quality of optical image and less influence on the size of retinal image than spectacle lenses
Indication: cosmetic, athletic activities, occupational, irregular corneal astigmatism, high anisometropia, corneal disease
Contact lenses
Disadvantages: careful daily cleaning and disinfection, expense
Complication: infectious keratitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, cornea; vascularisation, severe chronic conjunctivitis
when are intraocular lenses used , pros and cons?
Intraocular lenses
Replacement of cataract crystalline lens
Give best optical correction for aphakia ( no natural lens ) , avoid significant magnification and distortion caused by spectacle lenses
Disadvantages: monofocal =–> can see far away but will need glasses for close up
what are 3 types of surgery
Keratorefractive surgery ( aka laser surger)
Intraocular surgery
Clear lens extraction + intraocular lens
what is Keratorefractive surgery ? method? types?
Keratorefractive surgery ( aka laser surger) : RK, AK, PRK, LASIK, ICR, thermokeratoplasty
Preoperative eye Visible thin corneal flap prelaser treatment Initial cutting of corneal flap Cutting of corneal flap Flipping of corneal flap Photorefractive treatment (laser) Corneal stroma reshaped post laser Corneal flap back in position Treatment completed
what is the anatomy of teh external eye
Limbus = border between sclera and cornea
Conjunctiva = Thin, transparent tissue covering outer surface of eye - begins at outer edge of cornea, covers visible eye and lines inner eyelids
nourished by tiny blood vessels that normally can’t be seen unless in conjunctivitis
what can be seen in conjunctiva
Conjunctiva = Thin, transparent tissue covering outer surface of eye - begins at outer edge of cornea, covers visible eye and lines inner eyelids
nourished by tiny blood vessels that normally can’t be seen unless in conjunctivitis
what is the coat of the eye
Antero-posterior diameter of the eye - 24mm in adults. The eye resides within the anatomical space known as the orbit.
Enclosed by bony walls, laterally, medially, superiorly and inferiorly.
what are teh 3 layers of the eye
3 layers ( see below)
sclera - fibrous, protects and maintains shape (hard and opaque with high water content)
White of the eye
Uvea: Vascular coat of eyeball between sclera and retina. Made up of 3 pars
Iris - dilates and constricts pupil size
Round opening in centres of eye = pupil
Ciliary body
choroid- pigmented and highly vascular (circulation, shielding unwanted scattered light)
Comprise of layers of blood vessels that nourish the back of the eye
Disease of one portion can affect others (not always to same degree though)
what are the 3 parts of the uvea an what are thier functions
Iris - dilates and constricts pupil size
Round opening in centres of eye = pupil
Ciliary body
choroid- pigmented and highly vascular (circulation, shielding unwanted scattered light)
Comprise of layers of blood vessels that nourish the back of the eye
where is teh lacrimal gland found and what does it do ?
lacrimal gland resides within the orbit, latero-superiorly to the globe: secretes tears at a constant rate even in the absence of irritation or stimulation (basal tears)
what 3 things can cause tear secretion
Tears can be formed by :
what is the tear film and what does it do
Tear film
Tear film drains through the two puncta, tiny openings on the upper and lower medial lid margin.
Puncta form opening of the superior and inferior canaliculi which converge and drain into the tear sac then tear duct and nasal cavity.
Structure: see below
what is the function of the tear film
Mot superficial part of eye
Maintains smooth cornea-air surface, provides oxygen supply to cornea (avascular normally), removal of debris, bacteriacide
what are the 3 layers of the tear film and what are thier functions
Superficial lipid layer: reduces tear film evaporation – produced by a row of Meibomian glands along the lid margin.
Aqueous (water) tear film (tear gland): delivers O2 and nutrients to surrounding tissues and factors to protect from bacteria
Mucinous layer corneal surface: maintains surface wetting.
The mucin molecules act by binding water molecules to the hydrophobic corneal epithelial cell surface.
what is the afferent pathway to the eye innervated by
Cornea is innervated by sensory fibres of cranial nerve V1 (Ophthalmic trigeminal) which relays signal to CNS
what controls the efferent pathway to the eye
Mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system (acetylcholine neurotransmitter), innervating the lacrimal gland
what is the cornea
Clear window: powerful refracting surface, ⅔ of eye focussing power
Transparent, low water content, covers front of eye, avascular
what are the 5 layers of the cornea
5 layers Epithelium Bowman’s membrane Stroma: regularity → transparency Descement’s membrane Endothelium: pumps fluid out of corneal, preventing oedema
what happens if you hydrate the cornea
it turns white
what is the lens
transparent biconvex structure suspended posterior to the iris
focuses light rays onto the retina, ⅓ of eye focussing power (higher refractive index than aqueous fluid and vitreous
( it needs to be transparent and have a high refractive power for function
what is the structure of the lens
Outer acellular capsule
Regular inner elongated cell fibres - transparency (can be lost with age: CATARACTS)
what is the retina and what does it do
Thin layer of tissue responsible for capturing light rays which are sent to brain for processing via the optic nerve
what is the function of the optic nerve and what does it form in the eye
Transmits electrical impulses from retina to brain, connecting near macula
Visible portion: optic disc
Creates a Blind spot : Where the optic nerve meets the retina there are no light sensitive cells .
The corresponding landmark for the blind spot is the optic disk
what is the blind spot
Creates a Blind spot : Where the optic nerve meets the retina there are no light sensitive cells .
The corresponding landmark for the blind spot is the optic disk
what is the macula and what is it’s function
small and highly sensitive retinal region (roughly in centre pf retina , temporal to optic nerve) responsible for detailed central vision.
Macula allows us to:
appreciate detail
perform tasks that require central vision (reading)
contains the highest concentration of photosensitive cone cells (+ low concentration of rods).
what is the fovea and what is its function
Fovea is the centre of the macula
Most sensitive part of retina
Highest concentration of cones - to perceive in detail
low rod concentration - aka less sensitive to light which is why stars brighter out of corner of eye
what is central vision
detailed day and colour vision
the region of highest visual acuity that is concerned with the centre field of vision is the fovea (most cones)
Reading, facial recognition
how to assess central vision
Assessed by visual acuity assessment
what happens if you lose central vision
Loss of foveal vision, leads to poor visual acuity
what is peripheral vision
Shape, movement, navigation vision, ‘Night vision’
Assessed by visual field assessment
Extensive loss of visual field leads to inability to navigate in environment (white stick despite perfect visual acuity)
how to assess peripheral vision
Assessed by visual field assessment