Visual Studio Form Flashcards
What is FCL?
The Framework class library (FCL) is a comprehensive collection of reusable types including classes, interfaces and data types included in the .NET Framework to provide access to system functionality.
Define unmanaged code.
Code that is written outside the.NET Framework is known as unmanaged code.
What is boxing?
Boxing: It is the process of converting a value type variable to a reference type variable (object).
How to pass variable number of arguments in subroutine?
Explain MessageBox.Show() function
Displays a dialog box
What is the use of the Filter property of OpenFileDialog control?
you access the Filter property. We’ll restrict our users to only opening Text files, those that end in the extension “.txt”.
List out any four mouse events.
MouseDown – occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
MouseEnter – occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
MouseHover – occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the control
MouseLeave – occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
Which keyword is used to overload the subroutine?
You can use the Overloads keyword to define a version of the procedure for each parameter list, as follows: VB Overloads Sub post (ByVal custName As String, ByVal amount As Single) ‘
What is the use of MustOverride keyword?
You can use MustOverride only in a property or procedure declaration statement.
List out methods of data adapter object.
Fill: adds or updates the rows to the dataset from the data source.
FillSchema adds a data table with the same schema as in the data source.
Update: it calls insert, update, and delete SQL commands for transferring all the changes from the dataset to the data source.
Dispose of: releases all the resources.
Explain Save File Dialog Box.
VB.NET Dialog Box A Dialog box is a temporary Window for an application that accepts user responses through a mouse or keyboard to open a file, save a file, notifications, alert messages, color, print, open file dialog box, etc.
What is the use of the MyBase keyword in VB.NET?
MyBase is commonly used to call back into the overridden member from the member that overrides it in the derived class. The MyBase keyword can be used to call the constructor of the base class to instantiate a member of that class,
What is the use of Option Strict statement?
prevents program from automatic variable conversions
How to create Dynamic Array?
Dim myArr() As String
ReDim myArr(3)
myArr(0) = “One”
myArr(1) = “Two”
myArr(2) = “Three”
myArr(3) = “Four”
Define shared variable
improved version of global variables called shared variables, which you place inside a class