Visual Problems Flashcards
Q. Visual loss in one eye + amenorrhea + headache =??
Pituitary lesion ( prolactinoma or non-functioning tumor)
Q. An otherwise healthy ptn is unable to see objects placed at the center of his visual fields even with both eyes opened, what do you expect the visual test to reveal? And what’s the cause?
Visual test reveals incongruous bi-nasal heminopia/ the diagnosis is bilateral internal carotid artery displacement which causes binasal incongruous hemianopia if the optic nerves are compressed
Q. Old man with IHD has central vision deterioration in 1 eye. Without other symptoms. visual test revealed central scotoma. What’s the diagnosis?
Macular degeneration
Q. What’s the management for overwight ptn with idiopathic intracranial pressure ( headache increase in the morning or with pressure as coughing or sneezing )fundoscopy reveals bilateral extensive papillidema with a lot of flame shaped hemorrhages around the optic disc?
Long term ttt is wt reduction / symptomatic ttt can be LP and acetazolamide
Q. Ptn presented with bitemporal visual field defectwith decreased visual acuity I’m Rt. Eye . Locate the lesion?
Lesion is around optic chiasm spreading up to the right optic nerve
A. What symptoms does occipital lobe lesion produce?
Congruous homonymous hemianopia
A. What causes incongruous homonyms heminopia?
Optic tract lesion
A. What causes ipsilateral circumferential blindness?
Retrobulbar neuritis
A. Ipsilateral temporal and contralateral nasal vision defects. Are signs of what lesion?
Lesion of visual cortex