Visual Discrimination
The ability to distinguish exact characteristics and distinctive features among similar objects or forms to allow one the ability for successful environmental interaction. (ex. In reading, this skill helps a child to distinguish between similar words like “ran”/”run”/or “was”/”saw”
Visual Memory
The ability to recall and use visual information from the past. Retained memory of objects when the visual stimulation is no longer present. (Children with poor visual memory may struggle with comprehension)
Visual Spatial-Relationships
The ability to distinguish differences among similar objects or forms. The capacity to localize objects in relation to each other and understand the location of objects with respect to oneself.(ex. an individual can judge distances, distinguish forms, and separate objects from a surrounding background.)
Visual Form Constancy
The ability to mentally manipulate forms and visualize the resulting outcomes. (this skill helps children distinguish differences in size, shape, and orientation. Children with poor form-constancy may frequently reverse letters and numbers.)
Visual Sequential Memory
The ability to remember forms or characters in correct order. (This skill is particularly important in spelling. Letter omissions, additions, or transpositions within words are common for children who struggle with this skill)
Visual Figure Ground
The ability to perceive and locate a form or object within a busy field without getting confused by the background or surrounding images. (This skill keeps children from getting lost in details. Children with poor figure-ground become easily confused with too much print on a page.)
Visual closure:
The ability to visualize a complete whole when given incomplete information or a partial picture.
Visual spatial activity example
Putting hand in bag of letters and feeling for a specific letter, putting letters out of order and trying to find them
Visual discrimination activities
Giving someone a paper with word where some words or forms as are incorrect