Visual Perception Flashcards
What do ambiguous or reversible figures (such as the Necker cube) tell us about perception?
Explain why we need object recognition
Describe the Gestalt approach and the following concepts: figure/ground, similarity, proximity, good continuation, closure, and simplicity
Explain how we know that two types of processing occur at the same time: perception of features and analysis of the object’s configuration
Perception of features occurs because you cannot identify an image of something without the presence of features. I.e. you cannot see a dog without 4 legs, fur and a tail
Analysis of object configuration is where a shift in perspective gives meaning to a total form. For example telling someone that the features make a face or a word gives meaning to previously unmeaningful features
Explain unconscious inference
Unconscious inference is where a person does numerous unconscious calculations about an object. For example something far away isn’t smaller.
(Needs more work)
Explain unconscious inference
Unconscious inference is where a person does numerous unconscious calculations about an object. For example something far away isn’t smaller.
(Needs more work)
Explain how constancy can cause perceptual illusions to occur
How do visual features contribute to object recognition
Describe bottom-up and top-down processes
What is the experimental technique used to study word recognition?
How does word frequency affect recognition?
How does recency of view affect recognition?
Define the word superiority effect and describe the technique used to establish it
Why are degrees of well-formedness important in recognition?
Describe the layout of a feature net and explain how word recognition occurs