Visual Pathways/magnoceluarl And Parvocellular Pathways Flashcards
What are the 7 parts of the visual pathway
Optic nerve
Optic chasm - where you have the crossing of the different fibres - the nasal fibres crossing over to the other side - the nasal fibres crossing over and the temporal fibres stay on the same side
Optic tract - fibres from the optic tract synapse at the LGN
Optic radiations - two optic radiations one going through the temporal nerve and one going through the parietal lobe - if you have a lesion in one of them - it tends to produce a different pattern of visual field defect
Primary visual cortex - which is a part of your occipital cortex
What visual defects would you expect from lesions at different points of the optic pathway
- optic nerve lesion - total blindness of the Ipsilateral eye - unilateral field deft anything that the eye is seeing is not transmitted to the brain so your lose all the vision in one eye - for an optic nerve lesion it is not affecting the other eye at all the other eye is still working fine its just that one eye that isnt able to transmit info to the brain - you lose vision in that eye
- optic chasm lesion chiasm all lesions typically result in a - bitemporal heminaopia commonest cause is a pituitary Adenoma - pituitary gland is inferior to pitch chiasm so any lesion on their can compress on the optic chiasm - - nasal fibres cross over - the light hitting the nasal fibres is coming from the temporal visual field hitting your nasal fibres and these fibres cross over at the chias - therefore if you have a lesion at the optic chiasm it means that you cannot see anything from your temporal visual field which means that you end up with a bitemporal hemianopia
- it is Called a hemanopia because it is only affecting half the visual field in each eye
- you have a lesion that is only affecting part of the optic chiasm - Rare condition - because your only affecting part of the optic chiasm your only affecting part of the nasal fibres the nasal visual field of one of the eyes - light hitting the temporal retina of your left eye - so you end up with a unilateral nasal hemianopia
What are retrochiasmal lesions
- anything that goes beyond the optic chiasm - will always give you a contra lateral hemianopia /quadranntopia - the reason for that is because at the optic chiasm the fibres have already crossed over so regardless of where the lesion is if it is beyond the chiasm it will always be contralateral - so if the lesion is on the right side of your brain you will be losing the left side of your visual field and if you have a lesion on the right side of your brain you will lose the right visual field
What visual defect would you expect with a optic radiation lesion
- if you gave light from your tempotal visual field hits the nasal retina on the right eye - that’s your nasal fibres which are crossing over - you lose that part of your visual field in your right eye so you lose the temporal visual field
- in your left eye light coming from the nasal side hits the tempotal retina so they dont cross over at the chiasm - they stay on the Same side so you lose that part of the visual field in that eye so you lose that side
This defect is called a homonymous (because it is on the same side on each eye) and because it is only affecting half the visual field in each eye hemianopia
- so in this case you have lost the right side of the visual field - even though the lesion is on the left side of your brain - so that is why it is a contralteral defect
Does the parietal lobe carry fibres from the superior or inferior retina
- superior retina - inferior visual field
Remember - light coming from the top hits the bottom of the retina - and light coming from the bottom hits the top of the retina
PITS - this relates to the visual field defect
- a lesion in the parietal lobe would result in a inferior visual field defect and a lesion in the temporal lobe would result in a superior visual field defect -
What visual field defect would you expect in a parietal lobe lesion
- a contralateral inferior quadtrantopia
What visual field defect would you expect in a temporal lobe lesion
- the temporal carry fibres from your inferior retina - and because they if you have a lesion in your temporal lobe you end up with a superior visual defect
What visual field defect would you expect in a lesion in the occipital lobe
- homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing
Because of a dual blood supply
with these lesions you usually spare the central visual field - you have macular sparing - most common theory as to why this is because the part of the occipital lobe that is responsible for the macula - as got two blood supplies so if ou have a stroke in one of your blood suppplies the other one is still working and you are stilll receiving blood you have maccula sparing -
A lesion through the parietal optic radiation leads to a
- inferior quadrantopia
A lesion through the temporal optic radiation leads to a
- superior quadrantopia
A lesion at the optic nerve will lead to what visual defect?
Optic nerve lesions lead to a unilateral, ipsilateral field defect
What visual defect will a lesion at the occipital lobe lead to ?
- a lesion at the level of the occipital lobe usually results in a homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing (which is thought to be due to dual blood supply of the occipital lobe where the macula is represented)
What is the function of the retina
- light is traduced to electrical impulses by photoreceptors
- complex connections between horizontal , amacrine and bipolar cells
- converge onto retinal ganglion cells whose axons form the optic nerve
What is the function of photoreceptors
- cells that detect light and transducer light energy into a electrical impulse (action potential )
- this action potential then travels along your optic nerve and to your visual cortex
- this is done by your photoreceptors and you have two main types of photoreceptors - rods and cones
Rods are responsible for dark vision
Cones are responsible for high acuity e.g. central vision and colour vision
Why are retinal ganglion cells important
- when retinal ganglion cells send of their axons their axons all come together to form the optic nerve - the optic nerve is essentially the axons of the retinal ganglion cells
- retina and photoreceptors send action potentials to the retinal ganglion cells and retinal ganglion cells then send these action potentials down their axons their axons all come together to form the optic nerve at the back
Describe the structure of the optic nerve
- formed by axons of the retinal ganglion cells
(Around 1.2 million)
Optic nerve head seen as the disc
4 main parts
Intraocular - 1mm - within the eye - optic nerve head
Intraorbital - 25-30mm - when the eye is moving around you dont want it to be stretching on the optic nerve - if your eye is moving around - or their is any type of swelling and your eye is being pushed around by something your not stretching on the optic nerve to much because you have this extra length
Intracanicular - 4- 10mm - goes through the optic canal -
Intracranial - around 10mm- as soon as it leaves he canal and it goes towards the optic chiasm- you have already reached the inside of the brain
What is the longest part of the optic nerve
- intraorbital part 25-30mm- is within the orbit -is the longest part of the optic nerve
What is the shortest part of the optic nerve
- the intraocular part - 1mm
What are the tow roots that the optic tract terminates at ?
- the optic nerve has now gone to the chiasm - the nasal fibres have crossed over and the temporal fibres have stayed on the same side - they now come together to form the optic tract -
- the lateral root and the medial root
Describe the lateral root
- (90% of the fibres from the optic tract go here)
- they terminate in the LGN
- responsible for conscious visual perception- e.g. visual pathway - that is all the lateral root of the optic tract
Describe the medial root and its 3 main targets
(10% of the fibres from the optic tract go here)
- subconscious visual processes
- superior colliculus - visual association pathways , automatic scanning
- pretectal nucleus - pupillary light reflex
- super chiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus - photoperiod regulation - circadian rhythms - sleep wake cycle
Describe the structure of the lateral geniculate nucleus
- LGN = lateral root which is concerned with conscious visual perception
- layered structure located posterolaterally to the dorsal thalamus (LGN lies just posterior to the thalamus) - which is a part of your brain
- from your LGN that’s where most of your fibres go to your primary visual or text so it is a key visual gateway to the primary visual cortex ( place where you interpret all these conscious images)
- primary visual cortex = v1
- receives fibres from the lateral roots of the optic tracts (i.e. after decussation at the optic chiasm )- when the fibres cross over the nasal fibres from one eye and the temporal fibres of one eye are now along the same optic tract
- implying that each LGN receives fibres from both eyes- because it is receiving fibres from the optic tract which has already crossed over at the optic chiasm
Describe the layers of the LGN
- there are 6 layers of the LGN
- layers 2, 3 ,5 recieve fibres from the ipslateral eye - (from the eye on the same side -
- layers 1,4, 6 recieve fibres from the contralteral eye
e. g. if we are reffering to the right LGN layers 2,3,5 are going to recieve fibres from the right eye , layers 1, 4 ,6 will receive fibres from the left eye
what are magnocellular and parvocelluar pathways
- 2 distinct visual pathways - have been identified by neuroanatomical and physiological studies - they found 2 sets of fibres along the visual pathway
- magnocellular (M) Pathway - the cells along this pathway are really big
- parvocellular (P) pathway - have smaller cells
2 completley different pathways with different fucntions - they travel along the same root - but they dont mix with each other
- these pathways remain sepreated from the retina up to the visual cortex - (i.e. the m and p pathways both travel along the visual pathway but their fibres do not mix)
- this seperation starts right from the retina - the retinal ganglion cell axons give off the optic nerve
- how do the cell types differentiate between the magnocelluar and parvocelluar pathways
- depending on which type of retinal ganglion cells is sending off the axons that will define weather it will be the magnocellular or parvocellular pathway
which layers of the LGN carry fibres from the ipsilateral eye
2, 3 , 5