Visual Fields and Gaze Palsies B&B + Vertigo Flashcards
what are the 2 projections of the LGN?
lateral geniculate nucleus (thalamus) is major termination site of retinal projections, sends fibers to the visual cortex via:
1. Meyer’s loop - temporal lobe
2. Baum’s loop - parietal lobe
damage to which portion of the visual tract would cause anopia?
optic nerve compression OR retinal lesion
[for example, optic neuritis: demyelinating, associated with multiple sclerosis]
amaurosis fugax
painless, transient vision loss in one eye (anopia) - classically described as “curtain shade” over vision
due to damage to optic tract or retina - may be a symptom of TIA (transient ischemic attack), often via embolism to retinal artery (common source is carotid artery)
painless, transient anopia classically described as “curtain shade” over vision
amaurosis fugax
due to damage to optic tract or retina - may be a symptom of TIA (transient ischemic attack), often via embolism to retinal artery (common source is carotid artery)
damage to which portion of the visual tract would cause homonymous hemianopsia? (2)
optic tract lesion or posterior cerebral artery (PCA) stroke (damages occipital lobe)
bilateral loss of one half of the visual field
[recall PCA strokes spare the macula due to dual blood supply by MCA!!]
damage to which portion of the visual tract would cause “pie in the sky” vs “pie in the floor” quadrantic anopia?
damage to Meyer’s loop running through temporal lobe = “pie in the sky”
damage to Baum’s loop running through parietal lobe = “pie in the floor”
explain how lateral conjugate gaze works - include the nuclei involved
- PPRF (paramedian pontine reticular formation) signals to CN VI (abducens), which activates lateral rectus on one side
- some CN VI also sends some fibers via medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to CN III in opposite eye, which activates medial rectus one the other side
where is the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) found, and what is its function?
MLF is found in medial pons and is very important for conjugate gaze
PPRF —> CN VI, activating lateral rectus and also sending fibers along MLF —> CN III, activating contralateral medial rectus
lesion to MLF —> internuclear opthalmoplegia
what is the cause of internuclear opthalmoplegia, and how does it present?
lesion of MLF (medial longitudinal fasciculus) required for conjugate gaze
—> horizontal gaze disorder with weak adduction of affected eye + nystagmus of abducted eye (lesioned MLF cannot communicate with adducting eye)
convergence spared (different neural pathway)
Pt presents with inability to gaze horizontally. Their L eye cannot move towards their nose, and a nystagmus is noted in the R eye. However, convergence is intact. What is the diagnosis?
internuclear opthalmoplegia: lesion of MLF (medial longitudinal fasciculus) required for conjugate gaze
—> horizontal gaze disorder with weak adduction of affected eye + nystagmus of abducted eye (lesioned MLF cannot communicate with adducting eye)
convergence spared (different neural pathway)
what is the most important clinical cause of MLF syndrome?
aka medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome: MLF required for horizontal conjugate gaze, if lesioned, cannot communicate to opposite (adducting) eye
occurs commonly in multiple sclerosis because MLF is highly myelinated
how does MLF syndrome differ in presentation from abducens (VI) palsy?
look at the eye that is stuck - is it trying to move medially or laterally?
if the eye CANNOT move MEDIALLY = internuclear opthalmoplegia (MLF syndrome)
if the eye CANNOT move LATERALLY = CN VI (abducens) palsy
how would a PPRF lesion present?
PPRF = paramedian pontine reticular formation, signals to CN VI (abducens) to activate lateral rectus
lesion (such as by medial pons lesion) —> ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy, can’t look to the side of the lesion (left PPRF coordinates left conjugate gaze)
convergence is preserved (separate neural pathway)
damage to which neural structure would cause an ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy (can’t gaze towards the side of the lesion)
PPRF = paramedian pontine reticular formation, signals to CN VI (abducens) to activate lateral rectus
lesion (such as by medial pons lesion) —> ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy, can’t initiate horizontal gaze on side of lesion (left PPRF coordinates left conjugate gaze)
convergence is preserved (separate neural pathway)
how would the presentation of an MLF lesion differ from that of a PPRF lesion
recall PPRF —> CN VI, activating lateral rectus and also sending fibers along MLF —> CN III, activating contralateral medial rectus
PPRF lesion (or abducens/CN VI nucleus lesion) = ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy (affected eye can’t look laterally)
MLF lesion = contralateral gaze palsy (opposite eye can’t look towards side of lesion)
damage to both = one and a half syndrome
Pt presents with complaint of diplopia. When asked to gaze to the right, their R eye gazes horizontally but their L eye remains fixed. When asked to gaze to the left, both eyes remain fixed. Where did the damage occur? (include side)
one and a half syndrome: damage to BOTH PPRF and MLF (close together in medial pons!)
—> internuclear opthalmoplegia (MLF syndrome, cannot tell opposite eye to move medially) + loss of lateral gaze to affected side (PPRF, cannot initiate lateral gaze on affected side)
in this patient affecting the LEFT (the side that cannot initiate/ is frozen in both directions)
convergence is spared (different neural pathway)
frontal eye fields of the cortex are Brodmann area ___
how would a lesion present?
Brodmann area 8
normally, both eyes are being pushed towards the middle by each side… if there is a lesion, the “tug of war” is lost and both eyes deviate towards the lesioned side
how can you differentiate central vs peripheral vestibulopathy?
peripheral = unilateral, causes hearing loss, horizontal nystagmus only (fast component towards normal ear), postural instability without falls
central = bilateral, hearing unaffected, can cause horizontal (direction-changing) or vertical or rotational nystagmus, postural instability + falls, focal deficits (depending on location of lesion)
are the following consistent with peripheral or central vestibulopathy?
a. hearing loss
b. direction-changing nystagmus
c. fast component towards normal ear
d. postural instability + falls
e. focal deficits
peripheral = unilateral, causes hearing loss, horizontal nystagmus only (fast component towards normal ear), postural instability without falls
central = bilateral, hearing unaffected, can cause horizontal (direction-changing) or vertical or rotational nystagmus, postural instability + falls, focal deficits (depending on location of lesion)
with peripheral vestibulopathy, there is unidirectional peripheral-type nystagmus with a fast corrective component - to which side is this corrective movement (normal or lesioned)?
fast component towards NORMAL ear
will peripheral or central vestibulopathy present with a positive head impulse?
positive head impulse = corrective saccade with head turned towards side of lesion (will take longer for eyes to readjust back to middle)
presents with peripheral vestibulopathy
what vestibulopathy symptoms will present with vertebrobasilar stroke vs vestibular neuritis?
both spontaneous causes of continuous vestibulopathy
vertebrobasilar stroke —> postural instability + falls, sudden persistent hearing loss, facial numbness + weakness, dysarthria/dysphagia, Horner’s syndrome, central-type nystagmus (direction-changing, vertical), negative head impulse
vestibular neuritis —> association with viral prodrome, gradual resolution, mild gait impairment (NO falls), positive head impulse (catch-up saccade toward injured side), peripheral type nystagmus (unidirectional, beats away from affected side), absent focal deficits
how does Meniere Disease vs vestibular migraine present?
both causes of spontaneous episodic vestibulopathy
Meniere Disease: 20mins-3 hours, unilateral, fluctuating hearing loss + tinnitus preceding vertigo, drop attacks (Tumarkin falls), peripheral-type nystagmus
vestibular migraine: hours-days, sensory hypersensitivities + motion sickness, associated with migraine
which 2 types of nystagmus indicate a central lesion?
- direction-changing
- vertical