Can fix and follow a light source, face or large, colorful toy.
Very soon after birth
Fixation is central, steady and maintained, can follow a slow target, and converge, preference of looking at face.
1 month
binocular vision and eye coordination, eyes follow a moving light or face, responsive smile.
3 months
Reaches out accurately for toys.
6 months
look for hidden toys.
9 months
Picture matching
2 years
Letter matching of single
letters (e.g., Sheridan Gardiner)
3 years
Snellen chart by matching or naming
5 years
Blinking (to light stimulus)
1 week
Small saccades
2 weeks
Large saccades, pursuit, bifoveal fixation, convergence
2 months
Uniocular fixation
3 months
Fusional vergence, sensory fusion, stereopsis
4 months
6 months