Visual Arts Glossary Terms Flashcards
Angle of Framing
The position of the frame in relation to the subject it shows
Slanted Framing
A view in which the frame is not level, causing the object to appear slanted out of an upright position
A general term for all the manipulations of the film strip by the camera in the shooting phase and the laboratory in the developing phase
A framing in which the scale of the object shown is relatively large, most commonly a person’s head seen from the neck up, or an object of a comparable size that fills most of the screen
The degree to which the ending of a narrative film reveals the effects of all the causal events and resolves (or “closes off”) all lines of action
Continuity Editing
A system of cutting to maintain a continuous and clear narrative of action. Relies on matching screen direction, position, and temporal relations from shot to shot. ex. axis of action, CROSSCUTTING, cut-in, establishing shot, eyeline match, match of action, reestablishing shot, screen direction, shot/reverse shot.
Crane Shot`
A shot with a change in framing accomplished by placing the camera above the subject and moving through the air in any direction.
Editing that alternates shots of two or more line of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneously
In filmmaking, the joining of two strips of film together with a splice, In finished film, an instantaneous change from one framing to another
Deep Focus
A arrangement of mise-en-scene elements so that there is a considerable distance between the plane closest to the camera and the one farthest away, All of these elements are in focus
Diegetic Sound
Any voice, musical passage, or sound effect presented as originating from a source withing the film’s world
Discontinuity Editing*
Any alternative system of joining shots together using techniques unaccptable within continuity editing principles
A transition between two shots during which the first image gradually disappears while the second image gradually appears
A camera support with wheels, used in making tracking shots
The process of replacing part or all of the voices on the sound track in order to correct mistake or rerecord dialogue
In filmmaking, the task of selecting and joining camera take
Establishing Shot
A shot, usually involving a distant framing, that show the spatial relations among the important figures, objects, and setting in a scene
Extreme close-up
A framing in which the scale of the object shown is very large; most commonly, a small object or a part of the body
Extreme long shot*
A framing in which the scale of the object shown is very small; a building, landscape, or crowd of people will fill the screen
Eyeline match
A cut obeying the axis of action principle, in which the first shot shows a person looking off in one direction and second shows a nearby space containing what he or she sees
Fade-in: a dark screen gradually brightens as a shot appears
Fade-out: a shot gradually disappears as the screen darkens, occasionally, fade-outs brighten to pure white or to a color
An alteration of story order in which the plot moves back to show events that have taken place earlier than one already shown