visiting hour Flashcards
Death, mortality, coping with emotions
Free verse
Stanzas get longer as he faces his emotions
Anguish, suppression, bleak
Combs my nostrils
Personification/ metaphor of the strength of the smell
Synestesia - smell becomes a physical force
Synecdoche - as if body and mind are detached from each other - he is not accepting what is coming, not letting emotions in
Bobbing along
Connotations of joy carefree. He is ready to face his emotions
Green and yellow
Connotations of sickness - the patients and nerves
Introduces the idea of death and expectation of death
Undignified - death is common
Connotations of the afterlife, the beyond
Hospital is the place between life and death
I will not feel, I will not
Shows his desperation not let his emotions overcome him
I have to
Until he sees her or she dies
Nurses walk lightly, swiftly,
Change from his struggle. Nurses ability to cope
Grace, elegance to their movements association with angels
Here and up and down and there,
Syadetic list (repetition of and)
Makes them seem ever present