Visiting hour Flashcards
Explain the quote ‘the hospital smell combs my nostrils‘
Just as a comb brushes through something so too the smell seems to be touching his skin and lingering
Explain the quote ‘green and yellow corridors’
Green and yellow symbolise sickness, disease and medicine, everything reminds him of sickness
Explain the word choice ‘corpses’
He is in turmoil and death is constantly at the forefront of his mind
Explain the quote ‘vanishes’
Connotes disappearing, that death is the end of all as maccaig doesn’t believe in life after death
Explain the word choice ‘heavenward’
Reminds us of the final journey of the soul up to heaven, creates a mocking tone
Explain the depiction in ‘I will not feel, I will not feel’
His inner battle with himself to keep his emotions at bay
Explain the expression ‘until I have too’
He knows that he will eventually have to feel grief and pain but he is delaying his emotions
Explain the word choice of ‘lightly, swiftly’
How easily and efficiently the nurses can do such a difficult job. They seem desensitised to the pain they must feel
Explain the list ‘here and up and down and there’
They are everywhere at once they can help everyone
Explain the word choice ‘miraculously’
He is surprised at how the women manage to handle this pain everyday
Explain the expression ‘Carrying their burden’
Just as a burden is a heavy weight so too the nurses are a lupo to carry their pain