Vision Screening & amblyopia investigation Flashcards
Aim of visual surveillance in child:
Early detection of defects that may lead to a permanent visual impairment if left untreated.
What does screening in first year of baby involve:
- Before infants leave hospital
- 6 week check – bring child to GP and make sure look structurally normal and normal red reflex
- Other points in child’s life depending on area they live
- 1 year or 2.5 years
When is the first time children have ocular health screening:
- Before they leave the hospital
- This involves the dr or nurse checking eyes - look structurally normal and red reflex is present
Which children need to more closely monitored and require more than the screening test
- Children with systemic disease e.g. diabetes, sick cell, neurological or syndrome
- Premature/low birth weight – cause of risk of retinopathy
- Family History of strabismus, amblyopia, refractive error
- Children with hearing loss - cause already have impairment of one their senses
- Children with a learning disability - children with learning disability 28 X more likely to have problems with eyes or vision
- If parent worried they saw eye turn in towards nose or GP/health visitor was worried
- If parents/HV/GP’s detect strabismus require more than the screening test
What is the primary aim of the childhood vision screening programme:
To identify children aged 4 to 5 years with impaired sight enabling timely intervention.
What age should children be screened and by who:
- By orthoptists
- By professionals trained by orthoptists
What age is screening carried out:
4 to 5 years old, instead of 3 to 4 years old
Why is screening in 3 years old no longer recommended:
- Due to their young age, they didn’t pass the test not because they couldn’t see but cause they didn’t want to listen or carry out the test
- So failing of test was cause they were not interested, not because they couldn’t see
- Cause of that, children were referred into the hospital when it wasn’t needed
- Lots of false positives cause children were referred into the hospital but turned out to be completely normal
- Also when it was carried out at 3 years old, the parent had to bring child to GP surgery to have the vision screening, attendance rate high in affluent areas but poor in low income areas = missed target audience
- Also cause delaying treatment and vision screening (up to ~5 years) will not adversely affect child i.e if they did have defect, their prognosis will not be effected by delaying treatment by 2 years = can still treat well at 4 to 5 years
What is the gold standard screening test:
- Linear logMAR
- Cause trying to detect amblyopia, which suffers from crowing
- So best way to detect amblyopia is linear logmar chart
Why is vision screening the only test recommended in children < 7 years old:
Cause if children less than 7 had full sight test i.e cover test, motility, refraction, fundus then a proportion of these children would fail test because there young and a lot of tests are being carried out on them, not because of genuine eye problem
What age can you have full regular eye test:
After 7
Why is it important to regularly monitor/audit the service:
- Ensure quality of service
- Cause when carrying out vision screening, don’t want to refer lots of false positives children to the hospital and that the vision screening turns out to be completely normal
- And don’t want to miss children cause if vision screening test didn’t detect all of the children that genuinely had an eye problem, that would be bad vison screening service
Performing eye test on child:
- Explain the test procedure to the child.
- Gain consent parent (opt-in/opt-out)
- Gain consent child
- Check child is able to match or name the letters at NEAR – to make sure they understand the test before making it harder for them by walking further away and making letters smaller
- Have a quick practice of the test with the child to ensure understanding – show them card and say look at shapes and point/name same one etc
- Once understood test, can move further away and make it harder
- Test each eye separately
- Avoid pointing inside box – if put finger or pointer inside the box, it will reduce crowding and so make the test less sensitive to detect amblyopia
- Test right eye first
- If child has spectacles measure with them on – if find vison poor even with glasses on, these children need to be seen quickly
- Ensure each eye is occluded properly
- If poor result with first eye rapidly move onto the second eye
What is the standard recommended method of measuring VA on child:
When wouldn’t you start with right eye:
On child with strabismus
* E.G. if see right turn in eye from a right ESOT
* You wouldn’t start with that eye because if they’ve got a constant right ESOT, chances are they have amblyopia in that eye so cant see well
* Don’t want to start off with worst eye – instead start off with fixing eye
Crowded Keeler logMAR test:
- Designed for use with 3½ to 5 year olds.
- 3m test distance.
- Six letters are used X V O H U Y.
- 4 letters on each line, crowding bars surround each row.
- Each letter is given a score of 0.025 and each line is 0.100
- Easy to use, durable, 2 ‘flip over’ books and matching card.
What distance is crowded keeler logMAR:
What age is crowded keeler logMAR for:
3½ to 5 year olds.
Method for crowded keeler logMAR:
- Six letters are used X V O H U Y.
- 4 letters on each line
- Each letter is given a score of 0.025 and each line is 0.100
- Start with screening card S2
- If they cant read S2, move to bigger letter i.e S1
- If they can read all letters on S1, move to S2
- Last correct letter on S2 indicates the letter size to present as a line of letters
- Test all letters on the start line once you find the line to start off with i.e by seeing which letters they can read and looking at which logMAR that last letter they read is
- 4 letters per line must be attempted/correct before proceeding to smaller line of letters i.e if all correct on 0.2, move to 0.1
- When errors occur test all letters on that line
- Ask px to identify letters and if they get whole line, go to smaller line of letter size and keep going until px cant see anymore and read the score off based on whether they got 1,2,3 or 4 letters correct
- Note the line where errors occur and count the number of letters seen correctly on that line
- Test all letters on 0.200 line if seen
- Identify the corresponding logMAR score, and record immediately after testing the eye.
- Change occlusion to fellow eye and test.
- If got up to U on screener 2, recommendation is to start at 0.200 logMAR line
- Always point to each letter from either below or above the crowding bars. Do not convert the test into a single letter test by covering some of the line or by pointing to letters from the side.
What is the pass criteria in UK for crowded keeler logMAR:
What is the main condition screening is trying to detect and the others you might detect:
- Amblyopia
- Refractive error
- Strabismus
- Nystagmus
- Ptosis
- Muscle problem
- Cataract
- Anisocoria
- Rare pathologies
- Coloboma
- Leucocoria
Why do we want to treat amblyopia early:
If treat it early enough, the prognosis is good, but the longer we wait, the more the prognosis starts to reduce
What is amblyopia:
A form of cerebral visual impairment – PROBLEM IN BRAIN, NOT EYE
What does amblyopia result in:
Reduced vision in one or both eyes rare in both eyes
What causes amblyopia:
- Arises through an interruption of normal visual development
- When we are born the visual pathway is not complete
- Abnormal visual development:
- Refractive error – causing blurred vision
- Pathology
- Strabismus
- Cause child experiences abnormal version of world where visual pathway is still growing, amblyopia develops
When does amblyopia occur:
- Only occurs during a critical period where the brain i.e the visual pathway is still developing
- If an adult was to develop a strabismus amblyopia wont develop cause their visual pathway is complete
- Occurs during critical period (birth to 7-8 years old)
Amblyopia prevalence:
Prevalence between 2-4% of the population
Why is vision screening important for amblyopia: