Vision Loss Flashcards
components of eye exam that pertain to vision loss
visual acuity, visual fields, pupils (PERRLA), tonometry, slit lamp/ pen light, dilated fundus
amsler grid
tests changes in vision
acute angle closure is rare/ common
acute rise of IOP due to outflow obstruction (aqueous outflow)
acute angle closure
intraocular pressure
acute angle closure has a ____ mechanism than open angle glaucoma
which is more common, acute angle closure or open angle glaucoma
open angle glaucoma
glaucoma with acute narrowing of angle, inc IOP, optic nerve damage
acute angle closure glaucoma
glaucoma with chronic narrowing of angle, optic neuropathy, IOP not always significantly elevated, optic nerve damage
open angle glaucoma
crescent shadow occurs
because chamber is shallow, light cant pass through
crescent shadow might indicate
acute angle closure glaucoma (because of inc IOP)
ACUTE decresed vision, halos around lights, headache, N/V, severe eye pain, feeling of “pressure” (inc IOP)
acute angle closure
decreased vision, circumlimbal injection/ ciliary flush, steamy cornea, mid-dilated pupil, narrow anterior chamber, firm globe
acute angle closure
acute angle closure is a
ophthalmologic emergency
acute angle closure tx
topical ocular HTN meds (beta blockers, alpha 2 agonists), oral/IV osmotic agents (mannitol), laser peripheral iridotomy, surgical trabeculectomy, NO MYDRIATICS
early presentation of open angle glaucoma is
late presentation of open angle glaucoma is
chronic painless visual field loss (1st peripheral, then central)
increased IOP, inc cup:disc (optic nerve), no AV nicking, no exudates
seen in open angle glaucoma exam
tx for open angle glaucoma
topical ocular HTN meds (beta blocker, alpha 2 agonists), laster trabeculoplasty, sx trabeculectomy
1 cause of central legal blindness in western world
macular degeneration
lens opacity (age related, congenital, traumatic), gradual, CHRONIC & PAINLESS loss of vision, “foggy vision”, glare at night, dec visual acuity, clouding/ opalescent changes to lens
cataracts tx
glasses, sx (extracapsular cataract extraction, intraocular lens implant)
the prognosis for cataracts is
macular degeneration is caused by
aging (ARMD- Age Related Mac Degeneration) or toxic drug effects
gradual/acute blurred vision, metaorphopsia, central scotoma, +/- decreased vision, amsler grid distortion
macular degeneration
wavy/ distorted vision
central scotoma
blind spot
drusen bodies
lipid deposits