Vision III Flashcards
What is the pathway from the retina to the brain?
-pathway serving conscious visual perception originates in the retina
-progresses to lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
-then from the LGN to the Primary visual cortex
-ending in higher order visual areas in occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes
(retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, LGN, optic radiation, visual cortex)
How does our full visual field work?
-the entire region of space that can be seen with both eyes looking straight ahead
-divided in the middle into a left and right hemifield which are partly imaged on both retinas
-we have contralateral vision, so the left visual field is processed by the right visual cortex
What are receptive vs visual fields?
-the central portion of the visual field is seen by both eyes is the binocular visual field
-to allow the images from either side of the field for both eyes to be transmitted to the appropriate side of the brain, some fibers cross over to the other hemisphere at the optic chiasm
What do the optic chiasm, nerve, and tract do?
-at the optic chiasm, a partial decussation (crossing over) turns the optic nerve into optic tracts
-optic nerve: temporal & nasal fibers from the same eye
-optic tract: ipsilateral temporal fibers & contralateral nasal fibers from the opposite visual field
Where do temporal and nasal fibers project to?
-an object in right visual hemisfield projects to right nasal half and left temporal half of the retain, and vice versa
-temporal fibers from each eye project to ipsilateral hemisphere
-nasal fibers from each eye project to contralateral hemisphere
How do we have contralateral vision?
-axons from ganglion cells serving inner half of retina (nasal sides) cross through chiasm and ascend to LGN
-neurons in the LGN project to the primary visual cortex –> optic radiation
-the result is contralateral vision
What does transection of left optic nerve result in?
-lose all input from left eye; loses the monocular part (only what the left eye sees);
-can still see a lot, just have to turn head;
-however, we don’t have binocularity, so there is no depth
What does transection of left optic tract result in?
-damage on the left side, but loss of entire right visual field;
-however, we have binocularity so we still have good depth
What does transection of optic chiasm result in?
-cuts off everything that crosses over, meaning that we lack vision on the sides (tunnel vision);
-but we have binocularity so we have depth
What did David & Goliath find?
-pituitary gland disease –> gigantism & tunnel vision
What are the nonthalamic (LGN) targets of the optic tract?
-retinofugal projection
-superior colliculus
What is Retinofugal Projection?
-retinal ganglion cells send their message away from the eye
-80% project to LGN (thalamus) –> primary visual cortex
-10-20% project to hypothalamus and midbrain structures (superior colliculus)
What is Pretectum?
-control size of the pupil, certain types of eye movement
What is Hypothalamus?
-role in biological rhythms, including sleep and wakefulness
What is Superior Colliculus?
-orients the eyes in response to new stimuli - moves fovea to objects of interest
Where do retinal inputs go?
-the optic tracts project to the left and right LGN
-each LGN is arranged in 6 distinct numbered layers stacked as bent pancakes
-retinal information is segregated into the different layers
-M-type, P-type, nonM-nonP type
What are the retinal inputs to the LGN layers?
-the left visual field is viewed by both the nasal left retina and the temporal right retina
-at the LGN, input from the two eyes is kept separate
-in the right LGN, the right ete (ipsilateral) axons synapse on LGN cells in layers 2,3, and 5
-the left eye (contralateral) axons synapse on cells in layers 1,4, and 6
What is the organization of the LGN?
-layers 1 & 2 contrain larger neurons: Magnocellular LGN layers (M-type RGCs)
-layers 3-6 contain smaller neurons: Parvocellular LGN layers (P-type RGCs)
-Koniocellular (dust) layers are tiny cells ventral to each layer (K1-K6)
-separate parallel streams of visual information
What are the receptive fields of LGN?
-receptive fields of LGN neurons are almost identical to the ganglion cells that feed them
-Magnocellular LGN neurons: large center-surround receptive fields with transient response (insensitive to wavelength)
-Parvocellular LGN neurons: small center-surround receptive fields with sustained response (express color-opponency)
-neurons of the LGN are monocular (activated by just one eye)
What is the LGN’s primary synaptic target?
-the LGN’s primary synaptic target is the primary visual cortex (area 17) –> also known as V1 or striate cortex
What is Retinotopy?
-the organizing principles for the visual system –> neighbouring cells in the retina project to neighbouring cells in the LGN and V1
What are Retinotopic Maps?
-the retinal map is distorted
-cortical magnification of fovea due to many more RGC inputs
-many more V1 neurons receive input from the central retina than from the peripheral retina
-perception is based on the brain’s interpretation of distributed patterns of activity - not literal map
What does radioactive tracing show?
-radioactive tracing experiments shows alternating inputs to layer IV from both eyes
-adjacent columns receive input from neighbouring areas of the visual field from left vs right eye
What are Ocular Dominance Columns?
-ocular dominance columns are columns of the visual cortex that receive primarily input from one eye
-inputs from either eye in layer IV are monocular
-first binocular neurons are found in layer III neurons of V1
-these neurons have binocular receptive fields
What is Orientation Selectivity?
-Hubel and Wiesel discovered that many neurons in V1 respond best to bars of light
-greatest response to a bar of a particular orientation - Orientation Selectivity
What is Direction Selectivity?
-a subset of orientation selective neurons also show direction selectivity
-these neurons fire action potentials in direction-dependent manner in response to a moving bar of light
(we get movement information - depth and speed)
What are Simple and Complex cells?
-Hubel and Wiesel classified these different types of cortical neurons as simple or complex cells
-Simple cells, such as orientation selective cells, have defined ON and OFF areas in their receptive field
-Complex cells have more complex receptive fields, such as is the case with direction selective cells
-simple and complex cells are typically binocular and sensitive to orientation
What is Parallel Processing?
-some evidence suggests that there are parallel streams of information going into the visual cortex
-Magnocellular pathway for motion
-Parvocellular pathway for shape
-Koniocellular pathway for color
-likely not as simple as this
What is Cortical Module?
-Hubel and Wiesel found that a small stimulus in the retina would activate a 2 x 2 mm chunk of striate cortex
-this chunk is referred to as a cortical module
-it is believed to be able to process all the information necessary for that portion of the visual field
Where does the Dorsal Stream project visual info beyond V1?
-Dorsal stream: projects towards the parietal lobe
* analysis of visual motion and the visual control of action
* mostly magnocellular pathway
*projects to: V1, V2, V3, MT, MST, other dorsal areas
Where does the Ventral Stream project visual info beyond V1?
-Ventral stream: projects towards the temporal lobe
* perception of the visual world and the recognition of objects
* mostly parvocellular pathway
*projects to: V1, V2, V3, V4, IT, other ventral areas.
What is Area MT (dorsal stream) responsible for?
-Area MT (temporal lobe)
* most cells are direction-selective, respond more to the motion of objects than their shape
* involved in the perception of motion-based optical illusions
What is the area beyond MT (dorsal stream) responsible for?
-Beyond area MT—three roles proposed for cells in area MST (medial superior temporal; parietal lobe)
* navigation
* directing eye movements
* motion perception
What is Akinetopsia?
-motion blindness
-stroboscopic vision –> to total motion blindness (very rare)
What is Area V4 (ventral stream) responsible for?
-Area V4—shape and color perception
* Achromatopsia: clinical syndrome caused by damage to area V4—partial or complete loss of color vision – suggests area specialized for color
What is Area IT (ventral stream) responsible for?
-Area IT (inferotemporal cortex)
* major output of V4
* receptive fields respond to a wide variety of colors and
abstract shapes
* may be important for both visual perception and visual memory (such as faces)
Which area deals with facial details?
-Fusiform Face Area - FFA
* may contain specific face-selective neurons
* other areas in IT seem to be sensitive to facial information
-Prosopagnosia: face blindness