Vision Flashcards
Etymology of psychology
Psychology = psyche + logos
Psyche - soul or mind
Logos - word or study
Therefore it is the study of the mind
Three truths of psychology
- ‘It depends’ - Hardly anything is true about the behaviour of all people all the time
- ‘Process depends on good measurement’ - New discoveries and ideas depend and advance on good measurements
- ‘Confidence in the conclusions should depend on the strength of the evidence’
Etymology of cognition
Means thinking and knowledge
From latin conogoscere - get to know
Psychopathology definition
An abnormal pattern of behaviour that is unusual, distressing, dysfunctional, and may cause the sufferer to be dangerous to self or others
The analysis of mental structures
Introduced by E.B. Tichener
Studying how the mind works to enable an organism to adapt to and function in its environment.
Introduced by William James
Gestalt Psychology
Perceptual experiences depend on the patterns formed by the stimuli and on the organisation of experience
Introduced by Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Köhler
Psychoanalytic perspective
An orientation toward understanding behaviour in terms of unconscious motives stemming from sexual and aggressive impulses.
Subjectivist perspective
Human behaviour is a function of the perceived world, not the objective world.
To understand human social behaviour, we must grasp the person’s own ‘definition of the situation’, which is expected to vary by culture, personal history, and current motivational state.
What is the distal and proximal stimulus
Distal stimulus - any object in the world
Proximal stimulus - Image of an object in our eyes
The coloured structure surrounding the pupil
Aperture to allow light into the eye
Transparent structure on the outer surface of the eyeball. It yellows with age and gets scratches on it
Structure that focuses light into and onto the back of the eye. Have scratches on them and lens muscles weaken with age.
Contains light sensitive cells called photo-receptors
Small part of the retina that contains the majority of photoreceptors - allows detailed and coloured vision
Cells in the retina
Cones and rods: receive light
Horizontal cells: connectivity with the retina
Bipolar cells: connectivity with the retina
Amacrine cells: connectivity with the retina
Ganglion cells: receive input from cones and rods and carry information out of the eye
How many cones and rods are there in the retina
6 million cones and 120 million rods
The highest concentration of cones is towards the centre of the retina.
The fovea only consists of cone cells - vision becomes weaker towards our peripheries
Photopic visual system Found mostly in and near the fovea Works best in intense light Detects high wavelengths - bright blues, reds and greens. Detects high frequencies - fine detail
Scotopic visual system Found mostly in the retinal periphery Works best in low light conditions Detect low wavelengths - greys Detect low frequencies - coarse details
Dark adaptation
Gradual improvement in ability to see in the dark
Takes approx 20 mins
Only rod mediated vision is sensitive enough to detect low levels of light
Light adaptation
Gradual improvement in ability to see in bright light
Takes approx 5 mins
Only cone-mediated vision is possible - rods are bleached in bright light
Why is it hard to read at night
- Retina is not uniform
- Retina contains mostly rods
- Rods only work in dim light, colour and detailed vision are not possible so we can’t read
- Fovea is almost blind in dim light
Direction of impulses in the retina
Photoreceptors send impulses via bipolar cells to the ganglion cells (neurons).
Axons from all the ganglion cells form the optic nerve
The optic nerve is the only output from each eye to the brain.
It leaves each eye with a small hole in the retina
The blind spot
Hole in the retina where all the axons leave is called the blind spot - no photoreceptors here
Same are that blood vessels enter the eye - causing many small blind spots where there are shadows of the blood vessels in the retina
We aren’t aware of our blind spots with what is most likely to be there
The optic chasm
- Half of the optic nerve from each eye crosses to the opposite side of the brain at the optic chasm
- Stimuli on the left visual field project mostly to the right visual cortex
- Stimuli on the right visual field project mostly to the left visual cortex
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
- Most axons of the optic nerve send information to the LGN before reaching the primary visual cortex
- Some axons send information to a smaller structure in the thalamus called the superior colliculus
Primary Visual Cortex
- At the back of the occipital lobe in the cortex
- Primary because it is the first place in the cortex where the visual information lands
- Also known as the striate cortex or V1
- Visual info is processed further to allow us to perceive the visual scene and interpret what we see.
Cortical magnification of the fovea
- Majority of the optic nerve carries info from the fovea to the brain
- Info from the fovea is richer than from other retinal areas (high acuity, colour vision) so it requires a larger cortical area.
- Fovea is over-represented in the cortex relative to the retina (0.01% of retina, 8% of cortex) - this is the cortical magnification of the fovea.
Path of visual image
- Info is received at our eyes
- Travels down the optic nerve
- Crosses at the optic chasm
- Some stops at the LGN and some stops at the superior colliculus
- Is received by the primary visual cortex
What is the dorsal and ventral visual stream
Dorsal visual stream - Allows us to perceive movement
Ventral visual stream - Allows us to perceive patterns and objects
What arrives from the eyes to the visual cortex
- A flipped image
- Colour info comes mostly from the fovea
- Info from the fovea is magnified by 50x approx
- Takes approx 100-150 milliseconds to get to V1 so is considered ‘late’
3 properties of colour
Hue - colour quality of the light and corresponds to the colour names we typically use
Saturation - purity of the light
Brightness - amount of light present
Our perception of hue is not directly related to the nature of wavelengths hitting the retina, it is created by the workings of our nervous system
Brightness is a psychological concept. The perceived brightness of a surface does not necessarily correspond to the actual intensity of the wavelengths detected by our retina.
Vividness of a colour diminishes the longer you stare at it although the colour is still the same.
Colour mixing
Make any colour in the spectrum by mixing and adjusting 3 different colurs.
Can’t be done by less than 3 - red, yellow, blue
The trichromatic theory
- Refers to the 3 types of cones in the retina that allow us to see colour
- Cones that respond to short wavelengths enable us to see blue
- Cones that respond to medium wavelengths enable us to see green
- Cones that respond to long wavelengths enable us to see red
- Wavelengths coming in that maximally stimulate the red and green cones are perceived as yellow
Red-green colour deficiency
- Lost or limited functions of the red cone pigment (protan) or the green cone pigment (deuteran)
- Caused by a recessive gene on the X chromosome
- Majority of people with a colour deficiency can still see colour
Blue-yellow colour deficiency
- Rarer
- Caused by missing or limited colour functions of the blue cone photopigment (tritan)
Rod monochromatism
- Very rare hereditary condition
- No functioning cones
- Ability to perceive only in white, grey and black tones
- True colour blindness
- Poor visual acuity
- Sensitive to bright light
Opponent process theory
- Trichromatic theory can’t account for all aspects of colour perception
- Wavelength information is passed from cones to specific ganglion cells (G cells)
- Some G cones process differences between L and M cones which are responsible for our perception of red or green.
- Other G cones process differences between S cones and a combined signal from both L and M cones - giving us yellow or blue
Negative after images
Ganglion cells receive input from cones and opponent cells respond to two types of wavelengths, but in an opposing manner.
- Some respond to yellow or blue, but not both
- Some respond to red or blue, but not both
Recognition of an object (tennis ball example)
Super-ordinate level - tennis ball is recognised as ‘an inanimate object’
Basic level - tennis ball is recognised as ‘a ball’
Sub-ordinate level - tennis ball is recognised as a specific token e.g. ‘tennis ball’ or ‘Barney’s ball’
Stages in object recognition
- Perception of features - visual system detects features e.g. colours, edges, lines
- Perception of groups - individual features are grouped into simple figures that are distinct from the background of other features
- Recognition - Matching the visual percept to memory. The groups of features are matched to existing representation in long-term memory
What are the first available features in vision?
This is due to the difference in light being the first and simplest feature in vision - known as a luminance edge
How do we detect edges?
- Ganglion cells in the retina
- 1 mill ganglion cells per retina, G cell axons are the only output from the eye
- Axons form the optic nerve
- Place where axons leave the retina is the blind spot
What is a magno ganglion cells? (magnocellular)
Receive input from many rods and cones, which means that they have large receptive fields (RFs)
What are parvo (parvocellular) ganglion cells?
Receive input from very few cones which means that have very small receptive fields (RFs)
Ganglion cells’ receptive fields
- Each has their own receptive field
- Whole area of the world that we can see at any one time is our visual field
- Have a left and a right visual field
- Part of the visual field to which any single neuron responds to is that neuron’s receptive field
What are on-centre ganglion cells
When the central region of the ganglion cell is excited and the surrounding region is inhibited by light.
Strongest response happens when light falls directly onto the central region.
When light falls to the surrounding regions the cell doesn’t fire as much due to receiving both excitatory signals and inhibitory signals which means there is no activation
When light covers the entire RF, the cell is barely active
How do ganglion cells detect edges?
- G cells far from the edges have low or no activity
- At and around the edges the activity is either increased or decreased
- When an increase or decrease is detected the cell is active. This activation is then transmitted down the visual system
What evidence do we have for the existence of specialised cells?
- Bains of other species contain cells with the properties of feature detectors
- After staring at certain patterns, we see after effects that imply fatigue of feature detector cells in the human brain
Hubel & Wiesel 1968
- Inserted thin electrodes into the occipital cortex of cats and monkey
- Recorded activity of the cells when various light patterns struck their retinas
- Used points of light which produced little response and then used lines
- Some cells became active only when a vertical bar of light strikes a given portion of the retina, others only for a horizontal bar
- Discovered different layers in V1, each containing different types of cells, and each type of cell was sensitive to different features
What are simple cells?
- Have elongated receptive fields
- Makes them maximally sensitive to a line or edge of a particular orientation at a particular location of the retina.
What are complex cells
Respond strongly to lines of a particular orientation moving in a particular direction
What are hyper-complex/end-stopped cells?
- Respond best to lines of a particular length and moving in a particular direction
- Also responds to moving corners or angles
- Some hyper-complex cells fire when a line ends in their receptive fields - good size detectors