Vision Flashcards
What are the main structures in the eyes? What is the function of each structure?
What are the conditions of refractive error in vision?
How many layers of neuronal cells are found in the retina? What cells are they?
How do we perceive color? What are the different theories of color coding?
At the retina level, why is the visual system backward? How is light information converted to electrical signals?
What is the center/surround receptive field of retinal ganglion neurons? How does this type of receptive field help perceive the edge of objects and images?
What are the parvocellular and magnocellular retinal ganglion neurons? How are they related to the photopic and scotopic visual system?
How is the visual thalamus, the lateral geniculate nucleus, organized to receive inputs from the retina?
What are the simple and complex cells in the visual cortex? What is the function of complex cells?
What is the dorsal and ventral visual pathway? How does damage in either pathway affect behavioral function?
What causes visual illusion?
What is the saccade versus smooth pursuit eye movement? What are their respective neural pathways?