Vision Flashcards
Typical population in children with vision deficits
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
- Spina Bifida
- Low Birth Weight Syndrome
- Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD)
- Sensory Integrative (SI) dysfunction
- Child Abuse
- Neglect
Typical population in adults with vision deficits
- Acute vision problems occurring after CVA
- head trauma
- spinal cord injuries (SCI)
- progressive impairments in MS
- Parkinson’s disease
Eye care specialists
Ophthalmologist - medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye and perform eye surgery
Optometrist - primary health care provider who specializes in examination, diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders of the visual system, eye, and associated structures; as well as diagnosing eye conditions
Neuro-optometrist - subspecialty of optometry; perform diagnostic testing to determine specific acquired visual dysfunctions of deficits that are related to physical injury, TBI, or other neurological (CP, MS). Can prescribe lenses and prisms as well as vision therapy
Vision Rehab Professionals (certifications)
Certified Low Vision Therapist (CLVT) - Bachelors degree or post-graduate certificate (OTs can do this but SCLV is preferred), scanning and tracking using LV devices
- Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (CVRT) - reading and writing Braille and other tactile languages
- Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist (COMS) - cane travel, navigate indoor and outdoor environments, general safe travel skills
- Specialty Certified Low Vision (SCLV) - AOTA offers a specialty certification in low vision to OTs and OTAs
OT - evaluates occupational performance relative to visual deficit, restores and/or adapts visual skills to improve performance
Visual Integrity:
Visual Acuity
- A measure of the smallest high-contrast detail one can see
- -Typically measures with letters or words via charts
- -20/20 is considered normal
- -20/60 = a person can see detail from 20 feet away the same person with normal eyesight that can see from 60 feet away
- -Measured NEAR and FAR distance
Visual Integrity:
Contrast Sensitivity
- determines a person’s ability to see details even in the presence of diminishing contrast
- related to visual acuity but a better predictor of reading performance, mobility, driving, face recognition and ADL abilities
-measured in 0-100% thresholds
Visual Integrity:
Refractive Disorders and the 4 types
-How light enters the eye
Emmetropia - normal vision; absence of refractive error, light rays focus on retina
Hyperopia (farsighted) - light rays focus behind the retina
–average person has this slightly and accommodation can help compensate
Myopia (nearsighted) - light rays focus in front of the retina
Astigmatism - vision is blurred at near and far due to an oval shape of the eye
Visual Efficiency Skills:
Binocular Vision Disorders
when should eye alignment occur in children?
what population does Binocular Vision Disorders typically occur in?
Strabismic - misalignment of eyes
- Esotropia - turned in
- Exotropia - turned out
- Hypertropia - turned up
- Hypotropia - turned down
Non-Strabismic - misdirection of gaze
- Esophoria - eye aims at point nearer (undershooting)
- Exophoria - eye aims at point further (overshooting)
developmentally –> eye alignment should occur during infant’s first month
more common in developmentally delayed children’ learning disabled children, and adults with ABI
What is Amblyopia?
How does it happen?
What is an intervention option?
AKA “lazy eye”
- condition in which visual acuity is less than 20/20 and this acuity loss cannot be attributed to refractive error or observable eye disease
- prescription glasses will NOT improve acuity in this case
- Neurophysiological problem in which visual pathway from one eye to visual cortex does not develop normally or deteriorates
Treatment: Patching (the good eye) is the most common treatment to retrain the weak eye to work
Oculomotor Control
how quickly does it occur?
- allows you to “sample” the visual world by quickly noting new things
- Occur quickly ~20ms
Oculomotor Control
Smooth Eye Pursuits
-Allows for slow systematic scanning around the visual world
- slower movements
- allows you to “lock-on” to a visual target and follow it
Ocular Motility Disorders (what are the problems?)
Populations that have this problem?
How can it be identified?
Eye movement problems in fixation, saccades, or pursuits
- ocular motility skills take longer to develop in children ~early elementary school years
- can be in cases of acute brain injury and in children with learning and reading disabilities
- can be identified during an eye exam
Visual Information Processing:
Visual Spatial Skills
how is this important for children?
- allows a person to make judgements about the location of objects in visual space in reference to other objects and self
- awareness of left, right, up, down, front, and back
- Note: preschoolers (3-4 years old) can typically identify front/back and up/down
- *6-7 years old can do right and left on self
- *7-12 years old can do right and left on objects in space
**Important for letter identification b/d/p
Visual Information Processing:
Visual Analysis Skills
(4 parts)
How does this apply to infants?
- Being able to determine a whole without seeing all of the parts, ignore extraneous details, identify more important features, and use visual memory
- face recognition, size, and shape consistency are present by 6 months of age
Visual Information Processing:
Visual Motor Integration Skills
How does it apply to children and drawing?
-individual’s ability to integrate visual processing information skills to fine motor movements (hand-eye coordination)
- By 5 months = infant typically able to integrate the eye and hand.
- ability to reproduce visual form develops in preschool years –>
1 1/2- 2 years old: first attempts at drawing
3: circle
4 1/2: square
5-5 1/2: triangle
8: diamond