Virtue theory and Sexuality Flashcards
Good practice becomes habitual; remaining faithful to a partner may become habitual. Equally so could being promiscuous. We should consider the sort of person we want to become.
We flourish when we contribute to society. Will having sex with this person make me feel fulfilled or will it make me feel diminished. e.g. A man having an affair may feel guilty toward his children.
Golden Mean
- Find golden mean between two extremes of behaviour
- e.g. Middle ground between chastity and promiscuity. For many marriage is a golden mean - sex is allowed.
Moral Heroes
Look to an idol to get advice on attitudes to sex.
- We can learn from their mistakes
Michael Slote
Warm Virtue theory
- Virtue of “Care”, for those who are close to us (Intimate care) , care for others (Humanitarian) and self care.
- So we might avoid a promiscuous lifestyle, affairs and look out for others.
Elizabeth Anscombe
Christian moral virtues
- Analogy of shopping Basket, can choose to follow the list which is compulsory for an ethical life
- Chastity
Virtue Theory overview
- Holistic approach, “what do i want to become ?”.
- Macintyre , ‘After Virtue’, criticizes Kant, morality is part of humans journey towards telos.
- Aristotle, purpose and telos and they are ‘good’ if they fulfill their purpose.
- Final cause = Eudaimonia, group of people live in harmony
- e.g. slave must fulfill duties to their master, ensure that citizens live in harmony
A02 Habitual
- If you sleep around then being promiscuous could become habitual
- Unable to hold down long term relationship
A02 Moral Heroes
What is an appropriate role model ?
- Take into account situation they were in
- Priest and playboy factor, easier for a priest to live a virtuous life
- Setting ourselves impossible goals e.g. basing decisions on a happily married celeb, when you are homosexual
A02 Eudaimonia
- Eudaimonia’s may clash, e.g. man wanting to stay chaste until marriage and his partner sees sex as an expression of love.
- Conflict of Eudaimonia
A02 Golden Mean
- Dependent on starting point e.g. liberal parents may mean you have a different approach to sex than a girl who was raised in a convent.
- Virtue theory does not provide any answers, there is no real guidance
- Often better to be chaste than promiscuous, may lead to unwanted pregnancies etc.
A02 Virtue theory STRENGTHS
- Flexible and allows you to make own decisions, grow in your own way
- No absolute rules, grow more morally aware, we make our own decisions
- Decisions have more purpose
- Accommodating for modern people