Virtue ethics Flashcards
What is virtue ethics?
-Idea that by practicing virtuous behaviour, you can develop a virtuous character.
-If you consistently practice virtuous characteristics, you will know what the right choice is in situations.
2 Aristotle quotes.
“The good for man is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue” - Aristotle
“We are what we repeatedly do” - Aristotle
What is Nicomacean Ethics?
-Aristotle’s writing within which he outlines his virtue ethics.
-“Virtuous actions must be pleasurable in themselves”.
What does Aristotle believe the goal of human life is?
-To reach Eudaimonia (the ultimate happiness) through being virtuous and doing good acts.
Aristotle’s ideas on justice and friendship
-Neither justice nor friendship have extremes of excess or deficiency.
-Both are altruistic/selfless, meaning love of others.
What does Aristotle believe is the highest good?
-Using our minds to understand the truth about the world and make sense of life.
-The intellectual virtue of contemplation brings about flourishing to the highest level, leading to eudaimonia.
Who is Phronimos?
-The man of practical wisdom who in Aristotle’s system is best qualified to define virtuous behaviours in any situation.
-His practical wisdom was acquired by constant practice and habit.
What are the two categories of virtue?
Moral = qualities of character that are practiced/brought about through habit e.g bravery, courage, patience.
Intellectual = qualities of mind that are taught and improved by instruction e.g practical wisdom, intuitive intelligence, arts, scientific knowledge.
What is Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean?
Golden Mean = the mean between extremes of excess and deficiency, where the virtue lies.
-Having a balanced personality, able to display virtues that express a view of life that is based on reason.
-Relative to each situation.
-Rejects judging actions based on consequences.
-Focuses on greatest good for the greatest number.
“Virtuous actions must be pleasurable in themselves” - Aristotle
Define vice.
Bad qualities or immoral behaviour that a person possesses.
What is Aristotle’s Hierarchy of Souls?
-Humans are at the top of the hierarchy because we have the ability to reason and contemplate.
Strengths of virtue ethics
-Includes and develops the whole person (holistic).
-Centred around the person rather than rules.
-Doctrine of the mean takes into account different people and circumstances.
-Accepts that there isn’t always a perfect answer.
-Doesn’t require complex intellectual thinking; it is about imitating virtuous people.
-Allows for making mistakes.
-Avoids an individualistic approach.
-Embraces both the individual and others.
-Aims in bringing about good by focusing on the root cause of evil (human vice).
Weaknesses of virtue ethics
-Doesn’t take into account the widely differing cultures of the modern world. It was made to suit Ancient Greece.
-Lacks clear rules and virtues can conflict each other.
-Too much emphasis on character, not enough on actions.
-Unrealistic + elitist. The idea of a ‘virtuous person’ is idealized.
-Ethical egoism. It focuses on the individual flourishing and reaching eudaimonia, not the good of others.
-Ignores biblical teaching.
Counter claims
-Virtues are universal. Everyone is capable of being virtuous.
-Practical wisdom (phronesis) helps achieve the right balance.
-Clear rules can be derived from virtues.
-Character/virtues shape actions.
-Gradual flourishing can apply to anyone, even if they can’t achieve the highest level.
-The flourishing of the individual is tied to the flourishing of others.