Virtue Ethics Flashcards
Aristotle’s golden mean
Virtues are a middle ground between extremes, being virtuous is the middle ground between excess and deficiency
Describe virtue ethics
Rather than focus on actions –> consequences, focus on developing a virtuous character
Strengths & weaknesses of virtue ethics
strengths: strong motivation and justification
weaknesses: too wishy washy - what does it mean to be virtuous? Also, do you have to be virtuous to be happy?
Euthyphro problem: two ways of relating God’s command with ethics
- actions are morally right or good because God commands them
- God commands actions because they are morally good or right
Precautionary principle
Taking precautionary actions to prevent serious/irreversible threats
Pros and cons of the precautionary principle
Pro: it’s common sense that we should alleviate serious threats even if we are not positive they will occur
Con: may block new technologies/innovations and could potentially be paralyzing
Three ambiguities of the precautionary principle:
- What sorts of actions should be taken?
- What sorts of threats count as serious or irreversible?
- How much evidence is needed before taking action?
Pros and cons to appealing to what is “natural” as a guide to environmental action
- Intuitive
- Changing things from past condition tends to be problematic
- Straight forward guideline (let nature take its course)
- Ethical actions can resist the natural order, like vaccines
- The natural order can be cruel
- “Nature” is difficult to define
Impact = Population * Affluence (comsumption/person) * T (impact/consumption)
Five approaches to dealing with population concerns
- Cornucopian approach: don’t worry about population, the more people you have the more brains and creativity to solve problems
- Information/education about population impacts
- Indirect motivations - societies lessen pop growth when we fix other sectors of society
- More aggressive - tax policies and financial incentives
- Really aggressive - forced sterilizations and abortions
Three views of how hope relates to conservation
1: Kingsolver: Hope is powerful and motivating
2: Nelson: Hope is sugary cereal, ephemeral
3: Meine: We should focus on creating hope rather than searching for it
The domination of nature and women are intertwined historically, through common impacts, and through dualistic hierarchies
Ecofeminism strengths and weaknesses
- Insightful analogy for assessing domination as a root of environmental problems
- Women may be particularly good at responding to environmental harm
- Not intersectional enough
- Overgeneralizes women
- Conforms to gender binary
Social ecology
Identifying the interconnections of social and ecological problems
Social ecology strengths and weaknesses
- Many ecological problems have underlying social problems, such as oil industry in Nigeria
- May distract from urgent environmental problems
- May overestimate how much social and ecological problems are actually intertwined