Virology short essay plans Flashcards
Discuss retroviral gene expression
• Initiation of transcription
o Host transcription machinery
Mammalian gene promoters recruit TFs
Cis acting elements in U3 of LTR recruit transcription factors
Hormone or tissue development stage
o Presence of poly(A) tail: avoiding transcribing
o Why not transcription from downstream LTR?
• Transcriptional pausing
o Tat, Tar and P-TEFb
• Latency: why aren’t genes expressed?
• Increasing coding capacity
o Splicing
Complex vs simple
Not fully spliced RNAs – export. CTEs, direct repeat regions, cytoplasmic accumulation signals and Rev and Rex (protein pathway).
o Ribosomal frameshifting and read through
o Polyprotein processing.
What mechanisms do viruses emply to affect cellular proliferation.
• Depends on cell cycle – using viral proteins.
o Growth phase – altering pathways. Homologues, receptors, downstream. Mimics, cellular, insertional.
o S phase arrest – pRb, regulating cyclins or pRb. p53 sequester. Own proteins.
o M checkpoint push through.
• Altering cellular – transactivating, histones, insertional.
• Inhibiting apoptosis. Intrinsic and extrinsic.
• Causing generalized inflammation.
Discuss latency in herpesviridae.
• Purpose • Studying and modeling. • Mechanism o Maintaining the episome o Block IE expression Initially • Lack of host factors/lack of VP16 • Repression (host factors, LATs, host miRNA). Maintaining • Epigenetic o Histone code o DNA methylation o Latent DNA form o Key promoters • LATs EBV transcriptional programs. • Reactivation o Stimulation o Pathway in different viruses • Effect o Maintenance in population o Neoplasias.
Discuss mechanisms of HIV immune evasion
• Hiding o Integrates Mechanism – brief. Silencing • Evasion of recognition o Antigenic variation Error prone reverse transcriptase o Recombination o Masking • Counteracting effects o Complement o Interferon response induction and resistance o Resistance factors APOBEC and Vif Tetherin and Vpu o CTL mediated killing Lack of T cell help Nef actions
Discuss differences between low and high risk HPV types.
• Intro • High risk vs low risk o E6 o E7 o E6 and E7 expression • Lifecycle
Discuss viral modulation of the cell cycle
Discuss viral modulations of the cell cycle.
• Draw cell cycle
• Different checkpoints
o Entry into G1 – mostly growth factors
o G1-S transition – Rb and p53, if need to be able to replicate DNA.
Rb pathway - stimulate
P53/apoptotic pathways - inhibit
o Mitosis checkpoint
• Now consider specific viruses
o Tax in HTLV
• Why don’t all oncogenic virus infections cause cancer?
o Continuous expression of oncogenic proteins is rare.
o Immune clearance
o Usually proteins not sufficient, also need genetic mutations.
Discuss retroviral gene expression
• Initiation of transcription
o Host transcription machinery
Mammalian gene promoters recruit TFs
Cis acting elements in U3 of LTR recruit transcription factors
Hormone or tissue development stage
o Presence of poly(A) tail: avoiding transcribing
o Why not transcription from downstream LTR?
• Transcriptional pausing
o Tat, Tar and P-TEFb
• Latency: why aren’t genes expressed?
• Increasing coding capacity
o Splicing
Complex vs simple
Not fully spliced RNAs – export. CTEs, direct repeat regions, cytoplasmic accumulation signals and Rev and Rex (protein pathway).
o Ribosomal frameshifting and read through
o Polyprotein processing.
HCMV immune evasion
• Hiding o Latency o Immunoprivileged site o Molecular mimicry • Counteracting effectors o Interferon pathway o Counteracting antiviral state o CTL mediated killing.
Virion assembly essay
Intro: budding most common. Lysis very rare (vaccinia), cell associated rare (measles). • Can be either with or before budding • Encapsidation of genome o Concerted assembly – some icosahedral, some helical. Nucleation site. o Empty shell – icosahedral. o Self-assembly or chaperones. • Selection of genome o Specific signal o Non-specific o Segmented viruses – influenza, reo. • Localisation of components o Cytoplasmic assembly Virus factories Host pathway o Nuclear assembly Nuclear localization signals o Export of core particles from nucleus (although many that are made in nucleus are non-enveloped) • Acquiring tegument • Acquiring the envelope. o At plasma membrane Bud during assembly Bud after assembly o Vesicular pathways Bud into vesicles – vaccinia, herpes. o Membrane scission • Escaping the cell. • Maturation events.
How do viruses enter? Effect on understanding of disease and on control.
Viral entry: general importance – cell specificity, druggable target, virus-cell interactions. Section 1: Enveloped vs non-enveloped • Enveloped: overcoming energy barrier to membrane fusion. Binding of common attachment factors followed by binding of receptor. Conformational change. • Non-enveloped: poorly understood. Section 2: mechanisms • Conformational changes. o 1 o 2 o 3 • Druggable targets Section 3: Receptor specificity • Disease tropism • Manipulation for vector therapies • Druggable targets • Constraint on evolution – influenza Section 4: beyond the plasma membrane • Immune effects of entry – binding, PAMPs • Delivery to the correct compartment.
How does HSV establish and maintain latency?
- Establishment of latency in lifecycle (amplification in mucosa etc)
- Invasion of neurons – pH indep, tegument proteins, retrograde transport complex.
- Prevention of transcription
- Latent DNA structure etc
- Maintenance of genome – LATs. Importance, function, distinct ones.
- Reactivation. ICP0 and VP16
Poliovirus co-ordination and control of rep cycle
• Lifecycle (brief)
• Poliovirus genome
• Translation
o IRES control in initiation
o Host cell shut off – control in maximizing.
o Circularisation and efficiency.
• Replication
o Host nuclear factors - nuclear pore cleavage
o Location
o Uridylated VpG primer
o Opposing polarity to translation: control of switch.
Discuss the regulation of DNA virus transcription
Intro – hierarchy, describe different gene groups. E.g. early , DNA rep, late. Also early, intermediate, late. Regulation of different groups. • Promoters o 1 or many o Sequence or cis-acting control o Sequence details – TATA, enhancers. • Transcription factors o Cascade of TFs e.g. immediate early and early in herpes. o Cellular tissue type allows or doesn’t tissue differentiation stage. o Viral Transactivating Acting as TFs. Large T. • Regulation of silencing o Chromatin. • Other controls of mRNA
Compare and contrast persistent infections caused by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and by hepatitis B virus.
1) Importance of diseases
2) Mechanisms of persistence.
a. Immune response
b. Avoidance of immune response (evasion rather than sabotage: both have small genomes. Site, tolerance, escape)
c. Overwhelming immune response
3) Different outcomes of persistence
Mechanisms by which viruses cause neoplasia.
- Acutely transforming
- Slowly transforming
- Viral proteins – cell cycle checkpoints, alteration of cellular transcription.
- Viral RNAs.
- Increased turnover due to chronic inflammation
- Immunosuppression.
Discuss virus vaccines, old and new
- History of vaccination
a. Variolation
b. Jenner
c. Earliest forms of vaccination: live vaccines that do not cause such bad disease e.g. variola minor (in variolation), and vaccinia virus. - Passive versus active immunisation
- Active immunisation: live attenuated or dead?
- Modern vaccine development.
a. Subunit vaccines
b. Rational attenuation
c. Viral vectors
d. Nucleic acid vaccination
e. Adjuvants
i. Controlled release
ii. Depot delivery
iii. Immunostimulatory
iv. Tolerogenic - Molecular insights into novel vaccines.
a. Effective immune correlate?
b. Challenges:
i. Mutability - especially RNA viruses.
ii. Multiple clades – especially RNA viruses.
iii. Viruses that target the immune system – providing targets. E.g. HIV
iv. Timing – early stages of infection crucial, but difficult to access.
v. Incomplete understanding e.g. types of immunity and how to induce.
vi. Animal models
vii. Knowledge outstripping ability: HLA downregulation.
viii. Some viruses: danger (e.g. Ebola)
Clear plan - Write an essay on viral RNA and polypeptide synthesis in cells infected with negative strand RNA viruses.
Intro; Diagram Mechanisms 1) Transcription 2) Translation 3) (Post-translational modifications) 4) Replication Control 5) Transcribe/replicate 6) Packaging vRNA over cRNA
Comparing +ssRNA and dsRNA synthesis.
Cellular polymerases don’t use RNA as a template
• Rdrp not same as cellular ones.
• Process of replication
o Template; Is it replicated from parent strand, replicative intermediates, or mRNA?
o Efficient utilisation of template – circularisation, oligomerisation.
o Initiation –
starts at 3’ end – 3’ cis acting elements? Initiation the same for both sense and anti-sense? Picorna Vpg pUpU, Toga conserved not polyA.
Subgenomic genomes made for corona or calici
o translation or replication?
+ssRNA viruses;
• Locational specificity?
• Factor binding to cloverleaf.
• Cleavage of IRES bound PCBP
dsRNA viruses;
• locational
• pan-handles
o Packaging; Making sure the correct sense gets packaged
• Packaging poorly understood for rotaviruses - the right genome. Channel specialisation all made. But selection.
• Picornaviruses; massive bias towards production of +mRNA – how?
• Avoid dsRNA recognition
o Hiding – dsRNA viruses.
o Avoid translational repression of equimolar sense and anti-sense (ssRNA) – bias in replication. Limiting replicative intermediates.
Describe the HIV replication cycle and discuss the steps currently targeted for antiviral intervention. What natural host resistance factors have been identified?
General intro re lifecycle.
• Entry
o CD4 binding; in development. Fusion inhibitors; enfuvirtide. Inhibitor fuzeon. Co-receptor CCR5 inhibitors maraviroc
• Reverse transcription
o Uncoating and transport. Reverse transcription. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, vast majority anti-retrovirals
• Integration - Diagram
o Integrase interactor 1? PML? Integrase inhibitors; inhibit raltegravir.
• Transcription
o Without Tat Binding of Tat unique to HIV-1 so good target, but although some small molecule inhibitors of Tat-TAR binding have been identified, none have progressed to approval for human use.
o Transcription. Transcriptional latency maintains important reservoir. Inhibited – in development
• Splicing and export
• Packaging
o Packaging depends on dimerisation. In development.
• Release - BST-2
• Maturation of particle
• Proteolysis of viral polyproteins. Proteases.
+ssRNA essay plan.
Translation: initiation, efficiency, host shut off, protein proportions.
Replication: initiation, location, translation replication switch.
Packaging: which RNA?
-ssRNA essay plan
Translation: initiation, protein proportions, increasing coding capacity (leaky scanning, frameshifting). Segmented vs non-segmented.
Transcription or replication: priming. Transcription/rep switch segmented vs non-segmented. Capping and polyA. Rdrp (Normal, vs L and P). Increasing coding capacity.
Packaging correct RNA.