Virgil's Aeneid Flashcards
Who is Aeneas
Son of Venus and Anchises, leader of the survivors after the sack of Troy, the principle character of the Aeneid.
Who is Anchises
Father of Aeneas, member of the Trojan Royal Family
Who is Ascanius/ Iulus
Young son of Aeneas and Creusa, founder of Alba Longa, ancestor of the Julia family
Who is Creusa
Aeneas’ wife whom he lost while fleeing Troy
Who is Venus
Goddess of Love and mother of Aeneas
Who is Dido
A Phoenician princess who founded and ruled Carthage, whom Aeneas meets in Book 2 and becomes his lover in Book 4
Who is Juno
Wife of Jupiter, hostile towards the Trojans and Aeneas
Who is Jupiter
Father and ruler of the gods
Who is Evander
A mythical king from Arcadia who settled on the future site of Rome
Who is Pallas
Young son of Evander who is mentored by Aeneas and fights for him, is killed by Turnus
Who is Turnus
Young king of the Rutulians, who declares war on Aeneas after he marries Lavinia
Who is Lavinia
Young daughter of king Latinus who is betrothed to Turnus but later married to Aeneas, starting the conflict between Turnus and Aeneas
Who is Latinus
King of Latium and the Latin people
Who is Dardanus
Mythical founder of Troy and ancestor of the Trojans, said to have migrated there from Italy.
Who is Cupid
God of Love, imagined as a young boy, son of Venus
Who was Helen (‘Helen of Troy’)
Wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, her abduction by Paris started the Trojan War.
Who was Paris
Son of Priam and brother of Hector (Iliad), he abducted Helen from Sparta.
Who was Hector
Son of Priam, the principal warrior in the Iliad
Who was Achilles
A Greek warrior, principal character in the Iliad
Who is Mars
The God of War
Who is Mezentius
An Etruscan King who was sent into exile due to his cruelty, allies himself with Turnus, killed by Aeneas
Who is Homer
The poet who wrote both the Iliad and the Odyssey, both of which had lasting effects Western standards and ideals. Virgil borrowed many ideas from Homer’s text.
What is the Roman Heroic quality Virtus
Manliness, courage and valour
What is the Roman Heroic quality Constantia
Reliability, must be able to succeed in task handed to him
What is the Roman Heroic quality Pietas
a blend of affection, loyalty, goodness, duty to the gods, parents, spouse, child and county
What is the Roman Heroic quality Civitas
Citizenship, rule of law, loyal to country and all decisions reflected dedication to making his country great
What is the Roman Heroic quality Industria
Willingness to work hard, does not give up if a situation became difficult or too much effort
What is the Roman Heroic quality Diligentia
Care, thoroughness and application, doesn’t do things half assed (don’t write half assed in the exam)
What is the Roman Heroic quality Gravitas
sober of bearing and substance, calm, steady and serious, remains calm in situations and not give into emotions
What is the Roman Heroic quality Continentia
Self-restraint, cannot give into self-gratifying actions and act on impulse
What does Aeneas say during Juno’s storm that shows lack of gravitas and bad leadership? (BK1)
“How fortunate were you… whose luck it was to die under the high walls of Troy before your parents’ eyes”
What does Aeneas say to his men after hunting them food after shipwrecking in Carthage that shows strong leadership and Falial peitas (BK1)
“Hold hard, therefore. preserve yourselves for better days.”
What did Aeneas say to his father Anchises to convince him to let him carry him and leave the falling Troy with him that showed falial peitas (BK2)
“I will hold my shoulders ready for you; this labour of love will be no weight to me”
What did Aeneas tell Anchises to do before leaving Troy which showed Peitas (BK2)
“now you, father, take up the gods of our ancestral home”
What did Aeneas say remembered when the Greek attacked Troy the showed his furor and kleos
“Frantic in my fury I had no time for decisions; I only remembered that death in battle is glorious.