Virgil Flashcards
Nisus erat portae custos, acerrimus armis, Hyrtacides,
Nisus, the son of Hyrtacus, a guard of the gate, was very brave with arms,
comitem Aeneae quem miserat Ida venatrix iaculo celerem levibusque sagittis;
whom the huntress Ida had sent to Aeneas. He is quick with the lance and light with the arrows;
et iuxta comes Euryalus, quo pulchrior alter non fuit Aeneadum Troians neque induit arma, ora puer prima signans intonsa iuventa.
and nearby was his companion Euryalus, than whom no other of Aeneas’ men were more handsome, nor anyone who put on Trojan arms, a boy showing the first signs of manhood.
his amor unus erat, pariterque in bella ruebant: tum quoque communi portam statione tenebant.
They were one in love, they were rushing into battle together, also at this time they were holding watch at the gate together.
Nisus ait: “dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt, Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?
Nisus said: “Is it the gods who put passion in our minds, or does one’s ow n dreadful desires become his own god?
aut pugnam aut aliquid iandudum invadere magnum men agitat nec placida contenta quiete est.
My mind has been driving me for a long time to enter into a great battle or something like that nor will it be content with quiet.
cernis quae Rutulos habeat fiducia rerum: lumina rara micany, somno vinoque soluti procubere, silent late loca.
You percieve the confidence which the tribe, the Rutuli have in their affairs: lights gleam here and there, relaxed in sleep and wine they fall fowards, thr place is silent far and wide.
percipe porro quid dubitem et quae nunc anime sententia surgat.
Furthermore you percieve what I am considering what in my mind is surging.
Aenean acciri omnes, populsque patresque, exposcunt mittique viros, qui certa reportent.
Everyone, the people and elders are demanding that Aeneas be summoned, who will report back.
Si tibi quae posco promittunt (nam mihi facti fama sat est), tumulo videor reperire sub illo posse viam ad muros et moenia Pallantea”
If they promise to you what I asked for (the fame of the deed), I think to find a way under the mound to the fortifications of Pallanteum”
Section 2 - 308-323
protinus armati incedunt; quos omnis euntis primorum manus ad portas iuvenumque senumque prosequitur votis.
Immediately they bore arms; all the leaders of the company to carry the young men and old men gave their prayers to accompany them.
nec non et pulcher Iulus, ante annos animumque gerens curanque virilem,
Likewise and the beautiful Iulus, wise beyone his years he showed concern and a many mind,
multa patri mandata danat portanda: sed aurae omnia discerpunt et nubibus inrita donant.
He was giving many orders to carry to his father: but the breezes scattered everything and gave them, useless, to the clouds
egressi superant fossas noctisque per umbram castra inimica petunt, multis tamen ante futuri exitio.
Having left, they cross the ditches and seek the hostile camp through the shadows of the night.
passim somno vinoque per herbam corpora fusa vident, arrectos litore currus,
Everywhere they see bodies spread over the grass in drunken sleep, chariots upturned on the shore,
inter lora rotasque viros, simul arma iacere, vina simul.
Men, arms and wine jars as well, lying among the reins and wheels.
prior Hyrtacides sic ore locutus: “Euryale audendum dextra: nunc ipsa vocat res. hac iter est.
The son of Hyrtacus (Nisus) spoke first from his mouth as follows: “Euryalus you must be bold with your right hand, the deed now presents itself (to us)
tu, ne qua manus se attollere nobis a tergo possit, custodi et consule longe; haec ego vasta debo et lato te limite ducam.”
You, watch and look out afar, lest any band of men may be able to rise up against us from the rear; I will lay these places waste and lead you on a broad path”
impastus ceu plena leo per ovilia turbans (suadet enom vesana fames) manditque trahitque molle mutumque metu, fremit ore cruento.
Just as a hungry lion creating havoc throughout the full sheepfolds (for raging hunger is urging him on) both devours and tears apart the gentle flock which is dumb with fear, and roars with bloodstained mouth.
nec minor Euryali caedes; incensus et ipse perfurit ac multam in medio sine nomine plebem,
The carnage done by Euryalus is just as great. He too, incensed, rages madly and falls upon many nameless common soldiers in the middle (of his path),
Fadumque Herbesumque subit Rhoetumque Abarimque, ignaros,
Also Fadus, Herbesus, Rhoetus and Abaris, were (caught) unaware,
Rhoetum vigilantem et cuncta videntem, sed magum metuens se post cratera tegebat.
Rhoetum was awake and saw everything, but in his fear tried to hide himself behind a big mixing vessel.
pectore in adverso totum cui comminus ensen condidit adsurgenti et multa morte recepit.
As he (Rhoetus) rose, Euryalus buried the whole of his sword at close quarters in the opposing breast, and withdrew it dripping with much blood.
purpuream vomit ille animam et cum sanguine mixta vina refert moriens; hic furto fervidus instat.
Rhoetus spews forth his dark red life-blood and, as he dies, brings back (lots of) wine mixed with blood, impetuous Euryalus pursues his stealthy acts.
iamque ad Messapi socios tendebat; ibi ignem deficere extremum et religatos rite videbat carpere gramen equos;
And now he began to make his way towards the companions of Messapus; there he saw that the fire was dying down and that the horses;
breviter cum talis Nisus (sensit enim nimia caede atque cupidine ferri)
duly tethered, were grazing on the grass, when Nisus briefly spoke as follows (for he felt that Euryalus was being carried away by excessive slaughter and passion)
“Absistamus” ait “nam lux inimica propinquat. poenarum exhaustum satis est, via facta per hostis”
“Let us stop” he said “for the unfriendly daylight is approaching. Enough punishment has been inflicted, a way has been made through the enemy”.
interea praemissi equites ex urbe Latina, cetera dum legio campis instructa mortartur
Meanwhile, horsemen sent in advance from the Latin City, while the rest of the army drawn up on the plains were delayed
ibant et Turno regi responsa ferebant, ter centum, scutati omnes, Volcens magistro.
were riding and taking replies for King Turnus, 300 (of them), all carrying shields, led by Volcens.
Iamque propinquabant castris murosque subibant cum procul hos laevo flecentis limite cernunt,
And now were approaching the camp and coming up to the walls, when they perceived them (Nisus and Euryalus) in the distance turning away on a path to the left,
et galea Euryalum sublustri noctis in umbra prodidit immemorem radiisque adversa refulsit.
and the helmet betrayed thoughtless Euryalus in the glimmering shadow of the night and flashed back, reflecting the rays (of the moon)
haud temere est visum. conclamat ab agmine Volcens
The shouting was not ignored. Volcens shouted loudly from the column:
“state, viri. quae causa viae? quive estis in armis? quove tenetis iter?”
“Stop, men. What is the reason for your journey? Or who are you under arms? Or where are you making for”
nihil illi tendere contra, sed celerare fugam in silvas et fidere nocti.
They offered nothing in reply but sped their flight into the woods and relied on the darkness.
obiciunt equites sese ad divortia nota hinc atque hinc omnemque abitum custode coronant.
The horsemen put themselves in the way on this side and that at the familiar forks (in the road) and surround every approach with guards.
silva fuit late durmis atque ilice nigra horrida, quam densi complerant undique sentes; rara per occultos lucebat semita callis.
There was a wood spreading far and wide with thickets and dark glob oaks, a wild wood, which thick brambles had covered on all sides; the path gleaned infrequently between the hidden pastures.
Euryalum tenebrae ramorum onerosaque praeda impediunt fallitque timor regione viarum.
The darkness of the branches and the burdensome booty hinder Euryalus, and his fear deceives him about the line of the paths.
Nisus abit; iamque imprudens evaserat hostis atque locos,
Nisus gets away, and heedless of the consequence, he had already escaped the enemy and the places,
qui post Albae de nomine dicti Albani (tum rex stabula alta Latinus habebat),
which were later called Alban from the name of Alba (at that time King Latinus had high cattle stalls there),
ut stetit et frustra absebtem respexit amicum: “Euryale infelix, qua te regione reliqui? quave sequar?”
When he stopped and looked back in vain for his absent friend: “Unlucky Euryalus, in what are have I abandoned you? Or where am I to follow (you)?”
rursus perplexem iter omne revolvens fallacis silvae. simul et vestigia retro observata legit dumisque silentibus errat.
Traversing again the whole entangled journey through the deceptive wood, at the same time having noted his foot marks, He traces them back and wanders through the silent thickets.
audit equos, audit strepitus et signa sequentum; nec longum in medio tempus,
he hears the horses, he heard the noises and indications if the pursuers; there was no long interval,
cum clamor ad auris pervenit ac videt Euryalum, quem iam manus omnis fraude loci et noctis,
when a shout reaches his ears and he sees Euryalus whom the whole company now seizes, overcome by the deception of the locality and the darkness,
subito turbante tumultu, oppressum rapit et conantem plurima frustra.
confused by a sudden commotion and vainly trying very many things.
quid faciat? qua vi iuvenem, quibus audeat armis eripere?
What is he to do? By what force, with what arms dare he rescue the young man?
an sese medios moriturus in enses inferat et pulchram properet per vulnera mortem?
Or should he throw himself, sure to die, into the midst of the swords and hasten on a noble death by means of wounds?
ocius adducto torquens hastile lacerto suspiciens altam Lunam sic voce precatur:
Quickly, having bent his arm, he brandishes the spear, looking up at the moon high in the sky and prays with his voice as follows:
“tu, dea, tu praesens nostro succere labori, astrorum decus et nemorum Latonia custos.
“You goddess, help our toil with your presence, thou glory of the stars, child of Lato, and protector of groves.
si qua tuis umquam pro me pater Hyrtacus aris dona tulit,
If ever my father Hyrtacus on my behalf brought any gifts for your altars,
si qua ipse meis venatibus auxi suspendive tholo aut sacra ad fastigia fixi; hunc sine me turbare globum et rege tela per auras”
If I myself have made any additional gifts by my hunting, or hung them in the dome or fixed then to the sacred gable ends, allow me to confound this throng and future my weapons through the breezes”
dixerat, et toto conixus corpore ferrum conicit.
He had finished speaking and, striving with his whole body, hurled the iron weapon.
hasta volans noctis diverberat umbras et venit aversi in tergum Sulmonis ibique frangitur ac fisso transit praecordia ligno.
The spear as it flew split the shades if night, and the back if Sulmo as he turned away, broke there and as the wood split, the spear went through his chest.
volvitur ille vomens calidum de pectore flumen frigidus et longis singultibus ilia pulsat.
Sulmo rolled about spewing forth a warm stream (of blood) from his chest, (now) cold (in death), and with long (death) rattlings heaved his flanks.
diversi circumspiciunt. hoc accrior idem ecce aliud summa telum librabat ab aure.
They all looked around in different directions. Behold, all the more fierce, Nisus balanced another weapon at the top of his ear.
dum trepidant, it hasta Tago per tempus utrumque stridens traiectoque haesit tepefacta cerebro.
While the Rutuli panicked, a spear went through both temples of Tagus, whistling as it went, and, made warm (by the blood), pierced his brain and stuck there.
saevit atrox Volcens nec teli conspicum usquam auctorem nec quo se ardens inmittere possit.
Volcens rages savagely for neither does he see the weapon anywhere nor where he can charge as he blazes with anger.
“tu tamens interea calido mihi sanguine poenas amborum” inquit;
“You, however in he meantime will pay the penalty to me for both victims with your warm blood” he said;
simul ense recluso ibat in Euryalum. tum vero exterritus, amens conclamat Nisus,
At the same time, having unsheathed his sword, he went for Euryalus then indeed, frightened (out of his wits), distraught Nisus cried out
nec se celare tenebris amplius aut tantum potuit perferre dolorem:
For he could no longer hide himself in darkness nor bear such great grief:
“me me, adsum qui feci. in me convertite ferrum, O Rutuli, mea fraus omnis,
“Me, me, here I am, who did the deed, turn your sword into me, O Rutulians! Mine is the whole offence,
nihil iste nec ausus nec potuit, caelum hoc et conscia sidera testor;
that man neither dared nor was able to do anything; I call heaven and the all seeing stars to witness this;
tantum infelicem nimium dilexit amicum”
He only loved his unfortunate friend too much”
talia dicta dabat, sed viribus ensis adactus transadigit costas et candida pectora rumpit.
Such words was he uttering but the sword driven with strength pierced through his ribs and opened his fair chest.
volvitur Euryalus leto, pulchrosque per artus it cruor, inque umeros cervix conlapsa recumbit:
Euryalus rolls about in death, the blood flows over his handsome limbs and his neck, having fallen, sinks into his shoulders:
purpureus veluti cum flos succisus aratro languescit moriens lassove papavera collo demisere caput pluvia cum forte gravantur.
Just as when a purple flower cut down by the plough droops as it dies, or poppies with tired neck lower their head, when perchance are laden down by the rain.
at Nisus ruit in medios solumque per omnis Volcentem petit in solo Volcente mortatur.
But Nisus rushes into the midst of the enemy and looks among then all for Volcens alone, on Volcens alone does he fix his attention.
quem circum glomerati hostes hinc comminus atque hinc proturbant.
The enemy, forming a circle around Volcens at close quarters on this side and that, repel Nisus.
instat non setius ac rotat ensem fulmineum, donec Rutuli clamatis in ore condidit adverso et moriens animam abstilut hosti.
Nisus presses on nonetheless and whirls around his flashing sword, until he buried it in the opposing mouth of the shouting Rutulians and as he died robbed the enemy of life.
tum super exanimum sese prooecit amicum confossus placidaque ibi demum morte quievit.
Then he threw himself down on top of his lifeless friend, pierced through and through, and finally rested there in peaceful death.