Viral immune interactions. Flashcards
Avoiding immune system
Balancing immune surveillence.
EBV - avoiding the immune system.
Molecular mimicry.
Induction of cytokines
Antigen presentation
Inhibition of apoptosis.
EBV molecular mimicry
viral homologues of cellular interleukins e.g. EBV vIL-10.
EBV induction of cytokines
LMP1 may do this.
EBV antigen presentation.
Block presentation of class II epitope. Prevent peptide binding. Decrease expression of TAP proteins and HLA class 1.
EBV antigen presentation, preventing peptide binding.
e.g. EBNA1 which must be expressed even in latency has a glycine-alanine repeat which inhibits proteolytic degradation prior to presentation.
EBV antigen presentation decreasing expression of TAP and HLA proteins.
LMP1 gene product appears to do this.
EBV balancing immune surveillence.
Must allow some immune surveillence or would kill host (not optimal).