Violence In The Bible Flashcards
Stratigy #1
God Gives & Takes Away
Stratigy #2
Jesus is The Key Text To The Bible
Stratigy #3
The Israelites Are Broken People
Stratigy #4
Hyperbolic Language/Metiphores
Stratigy #5
Alligorical/Spiritual Stuggle
(The Elimination of Sin)
God Gives & Takes Away
God Does (Violent) Things And We Dont Nessisraily Understand Why. Faith Is Trusting That All These Things Are Apart Of God’s Plan And He Has Good Reasons Behind This Violence
1. God is perfectly just
2. Everything is a pure gift from God
3. God wants what is best for Everyone
4. God sees into our hearts
5. If God says someone must die than what God says is just
6. We cannot fully percive God’s plan
7. Sometimes we cannon see why God takes away (ex: death) but we have to trust in his plan: This is faith
Jesus Is The Key Text To The Bible
- Jesus is God’s message in its fullness/clarity
- Jesus tells us to love our enimies/have mercy on others
- Jesus dies for those who kill him (us humans)
- Jesus advocates for mercy & non-violence (exept self-defence)
- The bible should never be seen as advocating for violence
- Ipso Facto by that very fact/action
- The bible was meant to be read/intrerprited through the light of Jesus
The Israelites Are Broken People
- Like us the Israelites commit sin
- They (like us) don’t fullly understand God’s plan
- They repeatedly did things that directly opposed God’s plan (God tells them this)
Hyperbolic Language/Metiphores
- Harsh language was often used to discribe the violence the Isrialights comminted (under God’s command) but this is all metiforical as seen in light of later events
- Not all violence in the bible achually occued/occured on a much smaller scale (the bible should not always be read literaly)
Alligorical/Spiritual Stuggle
- Violence that works towards eliminating sin/sinfull people or communitues
- Prenvents sin from worsening
5 Stratigies For Understanding Violence In The Bible
- God Gives & Takes Away
- Jesus = Key Text
- The Isrialights Are Broken People
- Hyperbolic Launguage
- Getting Rid Of Sin (Alligorical/Spiritual Struggle)