Violence Flashcards
S.188(1) CA1961
Wounding with Intent
- With intent to cause GBH
- To any person
- Wounds OR Maims OR disfigures OR causes GBH
- Any person
S.188(2) CA1961
Wounding with intent
-Intent to injure anyone or With reckless disregard for the safety of others
-Wounds OR Maims OR Disfigures OR causes GBH
-Any person.
S.189(1) CA 1961
Injuring with intent.
-Intent to cause GBH
-Any person
-Any person.
S.189(2) CA 1961
Injuring with intent or with reckless disregard for the safety of others.
-injures any other person OR with reckless disregard for the safety of others.
- Any person
R v Collister
What was said before during and after.
The surrounding circumstances
The nature of the act itself
R v Taisalika
The nature of act (gash to the head) points strongly to the necessary intent.
R v Waters
The breaking of the skin by the show of blood. Can be external or internal.
DPP v Smith.
Bodily harm needs to explanation, grievous is really serious harm.
R v Rapana and Murray
Disfigures is not only permanent damage it can be temporary
R v Donavan
Must be more than mere transitory or trifling.
Def: Intent
A deliberate and conscious act to get a specific result.
Def: Maim
Mutilating, crippling or disabling a part of the body depriving the use or one of the senses.
Def: Disfugure
To deform, deface to mar or alter the figure or appearance of a person.
Cameron v R
Defendant recognised there was a possiblity that.
-that his or her actions would bring the proscribed result.
- the proscribed circumstances existed.
And having regard to that risk those actions were unreasonable.
S.234(1) CA1961
-Acompanied by violence OR threats of violence.
-to any person
- used to extort the property or prevent or over on the resistance to which it is being stolen.
S.235(a) CA1961
Agg Rob
- Robs any person
- at the time of or immediately before or immediately after.
- causes GBH to any person.
S.235(b) CA1961
Agg Rob
-Being together with another person
- Robs
- any person.
S.235(c) CA1961
Agg Rob
-Being armed with any offensive weapon or instrument or anything appearing to be an offensive weapon.
-any person.
Def: Robs and theft
Theft -
Any property
To permanently deprive the person of the property.
Peneha v Police
The actions of the defendant forceable interfere with the personal freedom or a violent action producing a powerful effect tending to cause bodily injury or discomfort
R v Maihi
There must be a nexus between the act of stealing and the threat of violence. Does not require to be contemporaneous
R v Cox - possession
Possession is two elements. Physical possession is actual or potential custody or control. The second, the mental element. Is a combination of knowledge and intention.
R v Skivington.
An honest belief at that the man has a claim of right is defence to larceny.
R v Lapier
Robbery is complete the instant the property is taken. Even if it’s momentarily
R v Broughton.
Is the manifestation of an intention to inflict violence unless the money or property is handed over. Can be direct or veiled.
Section 198(1)(a)
Discharging firearm or doing a dangerous act with intent.
-With intent to cause GBH
-Any Firearm OR Airgun OR any other similar weapon
-At any person.
Discharging firearm or doing a dangerous act with intent.
-With intent to cause GBH.
- sends OR delivers to any person OR puts in place.
-Any explosive OR injurious substance OR device