Vincenzo's Class Flashcards
My father succumbed to illness/ fell ill
Pater meus in pestem cecidit
The economy of Shanghai is really bad now.
Nunc res oeconomicae Shangaevi pessimae sunt.
They are not able to work so can’t make money.
Operam non dare possunt ergo peccuniam facere non possunt.
I believe the policies of the government are worse than the virus itself.
Credo consilia gubernatorum peiora quam morbum ipsum.
What has happened in China recently?
Quid fit his diebus in Sinis?
Many people have caught the disease in recent weeks.
Recentibus septimanis homines qui pestilentiam/morbum habent plurimi sunt.
This is sad news.
Hoc triste nuntium est.
How long do you have to stay at home?
Quam diu domi manere debebitis?
Because (at the beginning of a sentence to introduce an explanation)
I’m allowed to go out and do my work.
Exire mihi licet et operam dare (negotia facere) possum.
Do you believe things will get better?
Credisne fore melius
lucky and unlucky things
res secundae et res adversae
So far so good?
Hucusque bene habet?
The Chinese government make us stay at home.
Gubernaculum Sericum imperat ut domi maneamus.
Thank you [very much]!
You’re welcome.
Gratias [multas] tibi ago!
Libenter, nihil est
What time is it?
Quota hora est?
When will the next class be?
Quando erit proxima schola?
Where art thou from/are you from?
Cuias es/cuiates estis?
How are you?
Ut vales?/ Quomodo te habes?
I’m doing really well, well, okay, badly /very badly.
Optime/bene/mediocriter/male/pessime valeo/ me habeo
It is not quite clear to me.
Mihi non patet.
I am not certain about [s’thing]
Non certa sum de [aliquā rē]
How do you say this in Latin? (2 ways)
How is it spelt?
What is the difference between [this] and [that]?
Quomodo Latine dici potest? / quomodo Latine dicitur?
Quomodo scribitur?
Quid est discrimen inter [hanc] et [illam]
That will be great!
Mihi gratum erit!
in order to have some fun/relax (2 ways)
1) recreandi animum causa
2) mentem avertere curis
all over the world
diversis orbis partibus
Since (such and such a point in time)
Inde a . . . .
the more . . . . the more . . .
quo magis . . . . eo magis . . . .