Vikings Tarot- kortlek VT Flashcards
The Magician - Tyr
The wisest and most courageous of the gods, he who presides over the assemblies. Tyr had the wolf Fenrir eat his hand so that he could conquer him. He is the guarantor of the cosmic order.
Diplomacy - skill - start of undertakings - initiative.
En planerad eller förutsedd början på något nytt, självförtroende, viljestyrka, vilja att ta risker.
UPPONED: Viljelöshet, oförmåga att nyttja nya möjligheter.
The Fool - Loki; Loke
The Deciever: companion and ruin of the Aesir. Not evil but capable of causing his own concious destruction by his own actions. When the mind transcends intelligence, madness occurs.
Unexpected behavior - eccentricity - trips - lack of understanding.
Oplanerad händelse eller handling, början på något nytt och oväntat.
…kan avlöpa lyckligt om kortet omges av lyckosamma kort men i annat fall tyda på ett oklokt val.
UPPONED: Hetsig Dårskap.
The High Priestess - Frigg
Wife of Odin, a good judge of destiny by not a phrophetess. Goddess of wisdom, sorceress. Her home is in the swamp but she has golden sandals and dresses like a hawk which allows her to fly anywhere.
Mature woman - feminine mysteries - intuition - tendency to avoid ties.
Intuitiv insikt, skapande förmåga, avslöjande av det som är fördolt.
UPPONED: Känslomässig instabilitet, slaveri under en kvinna, brist på insikt.
The Empress - Saga
Older goddess than Frigg and, as with Ullr, than Odin.
Saga is the symbol of fertility. Over the centuries her name became synonymous with “woman”.
Woman - mother - fertility - feminine origin of love.
Fruktsamhet, överflöd, växande, styrka från naturen, tröst och trygghet.
UPPONED: Utarmning, stagnation, oro i familjen.
The Emperor - Ullr
More ancient ruler than Odin, of whom he is a splendid version. Hunter and patron of duels.
Ullr represents the supreme character and organizer of creation. He took over the throne of Odin for ten years.
Powerful and generous protector - father - authority - solver of material problems.
Kraft, självkontroll, ärelystnad, ledarskap, styrka.
UPPONED: Ouppfylld ärelystnad, svaghet, underkastelse, förlorat inflytande.
The Hierophant - Odin; Oden
Lord of the runes, master of magic and destiny. Cosmic divinity, mysterious and sinister god with an unshakable will. One-eyed because he sacrificed it in order to drink from the fountain of knowledge. Patron of magicians, warriors, and poets.
Priest - magical or religious power - spiritual guide - invincible destiny.
Kunskap, visdom, inspirerande hjälp, visa råd.
UPPONED: Felaktig information, ondsint skvaller, dåliga råd.
The Lovers - Frigg, Vili, Ve
Frigg, Vili, Ve
When Odin left Asgard for a few years, Vili and Ve, his brothers, took over his throne, taking his wife as well as a lover.
Contract - rules - test - important job or emotional choice.
Attraktion, kärlek, kompanjonskap, kommande val.
UPPONED: Obeslutsamhet, relationproblem, motvilja.
The Chariot - The Chariot of Thor; Tor
Thor is the god of the storm: He sails the skies with his chariot of war, symbol of triumphant divine power, pulled by Tanngnj0;str and Tanngeisnir, the two goats whose steps announced the storm.
Victory - success - acknowledged merrots and honors - security.
Välförtjänt framgång, goda framsteg, rättvis belöning.
UPPONED: Egocentricitet, okänslighet, hänsynslöshet, framgång på andras bekostnad.
Strenght - Thor; Tor
Styrkan att möta sitt hot/hinder och tackla det.
He is the top representative of divine strenght. He was also tempted, through deception, to lift the serpent that enveloped the world that the gigantic king Utgard-Loki ( Utgård-Loke ) had transformed into an enormous cat. Thor sowed panic among those present by managing to lift one of the giant feline’s paws, almost destroying the earth eith his strenght.
Courage - energy - defence of a just cause - strenght of mind.
Välförtjänt triumf över sig själv eller andra, försoning, väl använt tillfälle.
UPPONED: Nederlag, kapitulation inför lägre instinkter eller inför andra, missat tillfälle.
The Hermit - Heimdall
Eremiten söker visdom och kunskap med total fokusering på lärande och forskning.
Guardian of the Aesir, the god who sits at the end of the skies, who has very sharp eyesight and very keen hearing. Heimdall is in an everlasting search for some sign that announces the beginning of Ragnarok ( Ragnarök ).
Research - wisdom - prudence - detachment from material things.
Klokhet, tystnad, behov av eget utrymme eller ensamhet, egen förmåga att lösa problem, självtillit.
UPPONED: Att avvisa andra eller andras råd, frivillig isolering, envishet.
The Wheel - Norns - Nornorna
J/N ; ➕Ja
Ödet styr allt till ditt bästa.
Verdandi, Skuld, and Urdr are the most well-known Norns. Guardians of destiny, they visit women Inköpslista labor and mark the future of the unborn child: They define the child’s needs during life and accompany the child at the moment of death.
Fortune - destiny - chance - natural cycles.
Tur, stora händelser, stor förändring i levnadsvillkår.
UPPONED: Slutet på en tursam period, olycklig vändning.
Justice - Forseti
He is the god who presides over disputes and is the symbol of justice. His home is called Glitnir
( glittering ) and tradition has it that it is “the best court for men and gods”.
Law - equilibrium - logical consequences - equity.
Övervägande, förhandling, överenskommelse, gott omdöme.
UPPONED: Orättvisa, fördom, oenighet.
The Hanged Man - Vali
Son of Odin, Vali was born already adult and armed in order to avenge the death of Balder. He was one of the few gods who would live beyond the end of the world, becoming perhaps the new god of justice.
Act of destiny - atonement - utopia - punishment.
Flexibilitet, självuppoffring för ett gott ändamål, öppenhet för inre intuition, att göra sig av med olämpliga sidor av beteendet eller jaget.
UPPONED: Inre strid utan framgång, vägran att lyssna på sin intuition eller att ge upp olämpliga egenskaper.
Death - The Valkyries; Valkyriorna
They accompany the spirits of warriors into Valhalla after their death.
They mark the passage from one state to another, the transformation from who was a brave warrior during life to champion of the gods after death. The transition coveted by every Viking.
End - close - sudden change - radical transformation.
Tur i oturen, slutet på något negativt, djup inre förändring.
UPPONED: Oföretagsamhet, letargi, stagnation.
Temperance - Balder
His death will mark the beginning of Ragnarok ( Ragnarök ). Balder is the god of light, the symbol of perpetual change, as a warning of the beginning of the end of time.
Balder will be killed, resuscitated, and will fight in the final war… in order to allow the world to be born again and to begin a new golden age where he will be the father of the new gods, transubstantiated by his sacrifice of blood.
Ability to adapt - change - harmony - moderation.
En skicklig kombination av omständigheter har åstadkommits eller behövs, förtänksamhet, måtta.
UPPONED: Oskicklig kombination av omständigheter, motstridiga intressen, överdrift.
The Devil - Hodr
Decieved by Loki (Loke), the blind god Hodr will hurl a twig of mistletoe at Balder, The only “weapon” capable of killing him.
The blind Aesir will become the scapegoat of the gods. Although not directly guilty, he will be convicted and killed and will go down to hell (Hel) with Balder where he will await ressurection with him.
Deceit - illegal actions - doubtful morality - guiltiness.
Utmaning, fysisk energi som omdirigeras eller omvandlas till mer själsliga eller andliga strävanden.
UPPONED: Undertryckande av det inre jaget, hunger efter världslig maktoch rikedom.
The Tower - Asgard; Asgård
Splendid home of the gods. Symbol of their power and their arrogance. The gods punished the requests of the giant who built the external walls because they were convinced of their superiority over the primitive race.
This celestial city will be the first to fall when it is time for Ragnarok (Ragnarök).
Arrogance - pride - deserved punishment - collapse of mistaken convictions
Arrogans, stolthet - förtjänt bestraffning - kollaps av missförstånd och fallande dom.
Oväntad utmaning, plötslig förändring i det inre livet, känslomässig befrielse, undertryckta känslor som renas.
UPPONED: Olycka som kan undvikas, händelser som får oss ur balans, hårt undertryckta känslor.
The Stars - Yggdrasil the Ash Tree
Cosmic tree, pillar of the universe, a plant that with its branches and roots connects all of the Nine Worlds, symbol of the cosmos. Under him live: The head of the giant Mimir the wise, prophet and counselor of Odin (Oden) and the Norns (Nornorna). He is the symbol of everything.
Potential - good omen - bright idea - hope.
Plötsligt vidgade hirisonter, nytt liv och ny kraft, djup insikt.
UPPONED: Ovilja mot bredare perspektiv, brist på tillit och öppenhet, tvivel på oss själva.
The Moon - Ma;ni
The Vikings viewed masculine aspect in the moon and feminine aspect in the sun.
The moon is the nocturnal light that captures light and controls it: A magical being who dies and is born again for all eternity. According to Viking myth, Ma;ni was also a man who, while he was dying, gave himself up to the sun and became its slave.
Visions - Magic - eccentricity - mistakes due to whims.
Behov av att lita till inyuition och fantasi istället för förnuft, tid att lita till sig själv.
UPPONED: Rädsla för att överskrida trygga gränser, brist på mod, rädsla för det okända.
The Sun - Sol
The young girl named So;l guides the chariot of the sun, pulled by horses Arvakr and Alsvidr. The runes are cut onto the ears of the first horse, as they are on one of the hooves of the second horse. Between the legs of the horses a bellows protects the young girl from the heat of the celestial body as does the shield that she carries on her shoulders. The wolf Skoll follows the chariot and will swallow the sun at the end of time.
Solution to problems - agreement - happiness - colaboration.
Framgång, prestation, att övervinna svårigheter, trygghet efter faror, en rättvis belöning.
UPPONED: Felbedömning, skenbar framgång, avslöjande av framgång som nåtts med tvivelaktiga medel.
Judgement - Ragnarok; Ragnarök
We are at the end of time. Balder will be killed and the ship made with the fingernails of the dead will cut across the skies: The Sun and The Moon will be swallowed by wolves. Everyone will die except for a few gods who will begin a new golden age in the renewed world.
Time of transition towards improvement - renewal - healing - recovery.
Återfådd hälsa, berättigad stolthet över en prestation, en ny chans i livet.
UPPONED: Straff för misslyckande, ånger över missade chanser.
The World - Ymir; Ymer
Världens {livssituationens} cykel blir komplett och ett nytt skeende börjar
The primirdial giant from whose body the world was born. His scull became the sky, his bones the mountains, from his feet the giants were born, from his hair the trees, from his blod the oceans, from his teeth the rocks, and from his flesh the dwarves, Men originated from the sweat of Ymir (Ymer).
Completion - reward - realization of an undertaking - a new beginning
1 Ace of Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
Ace - Freya
Joy - nourishment - magic
2 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
2 - Lytir
Attraction - friendship - agreement
3 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
3 - Gerdr with Freya and Idunn
Celebrations - conclusions - relief
4 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
4 -Skirnir the servant of Freyr
Plans - reconsiderations - servility
5 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
5 - Freya cries over the departure of Odr
Loss - fears - frustration
6 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
6 - Torgerdr Holgabrudr and Irpa make the man of wood
Gifts - life - personal gain
Gåva - liv - personlig vinnst.
7 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
7 - The gifts of Torgerdr Holgabrudr
Spells - premonitions - revenge
8 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
8 - Njord abandon the Aesir after the decline of the gods
Farsightedness - premeditation
9 Chalices
( the elementh of water, the soul, and magic: winter, with snow and ice )
9 - Fjölnir
Cherfullness - success - satisfaction