VIII. Ethical Theories Flashcards
quote of the week
you can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth
- H.L. Mencken
can be gleamed from his seminal work titled: The first systematic study of ethics in western civilization
aristotle’s virtue ethics
arisotle’s virtue ethics offers ____ that would guide humans in attaining the good life
principles of conduct
plato’ take on ethics is _____ with aristotle’s virtue of ethics
____ believed that moral evaluations of daily life presuppose a good life which is independent of ___, ____, and ____
- plato
- experience
- personality
- circumstances
immanent in our daily activities and can be discovered only through a careful study of them
moral principles
what people fundamentally desire that is the ultimate human good:
- happiness
- eudaimonia
the concept of ____ considerably vary
closely associated with Immanuel Kant’s model of ethical theory
deontological ethics
rightness or wrongness
acc to deontology, morality of a human act depends on whether ____, rather than on its consequence
such act fulfills a duty or not
deontological ethics is _____-based
deontology as a word, origin
deon = duty
one of the basic ideas in deontological ethics:
- actions are right or wrong in themselves, regardless of their consequences
“telling the truth is always right in itself even if doing so might produce some unfavorable results”
telling _____ is always wrong for deontological ethics
a lie
from the _____ point of view, it is better to tell a lie
in deontological ethics, we must consider first ____ and proceed from there before we make moral decisions
which actions are right and wrong
if an action is right in itself, then we have the duty or the moral obligation to ____
act on it
if an action is wrong in itself, then we are under a moral obligation to _____
act accordingly
an ethical doctrine which holds the belief that the morality of a human act depends on its conseqence
most famous type of consequentialism
basis of the morality of human act in utilitarianism
the consequent benefits that the act brings to many people concerned
for the ____, an act is morally right if it produces greatest happiness to the greatest number of people, and morally wrong if it produces more pain than happiness to the greatest number of people concerned
in consequentialism. the morality of a human act is judged based on its consequence, therefore it is a ____ type of ethics