Views Flashcards
How do you reference an existing view from another query?
Use the name of the view. View name is sales.USAcusts
SELECT custid, companyname FROM sales.USAcusts
SQL Server 70-461 04-02b to 04-03
Is the result set from the view or the view definition stored in the database?
The definition of the view.
SQL Server 70-461 04-02b to 04-03
What is the general structure used to create a view?
<statement to drop view if it exists>; GO CREATE VIEW view_name AS <select statement that defines the view>; GO
Just making a sentence long enough so the code will left justify for this flash card.
SQL Server 70-461 04-02b to 04-03
Example of a view statement for reference
If OBJECT_ID('Sales.USACusts') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW Sales.USACusts; GO CREATE VIEW Sales.USACusts AS SELECT custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address, city, region, postal code, country, phone, fax FROM Sales.Customers WHERE country=N'USA'; GO
SQL Server 70-461 04-02b to 04-03
General form of statement to create a view
CREATE VIEW Sales.OrderTotalsByYear
SELECT YEAR(O.orderdate) AS orderyear,
SUM(OD.qty) AS qty
FROM Sales.Orders AS O
JOIN Sales.OrderDetails AS OD
ON OD.orderid=O.orderid
GROUP BY YEAR(orderdate);
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Can you select a view just like you select a table in a SELECT statement?
SELECT orderyear.qty
FROM Sales.OrderTotalsByYear
Just writing enough words to get code to left justify
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How should a view be named with respect to a schema? What is best practice?
You should always include the schema name the view will belong to when naming it.
Sales is the schema
OrderTotalsByYear is the view
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What does including the SCHEMABINDING statement when creating a view do?
SCHEMABINDING guarantees that the underlying table structures that the view includes cannot be altered without dropping the view
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
General form of create view statement that includes SCHEMABINDING
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Since the body of a view is just a SELECT statement, what rules for SELECT statements does it follow?
All of the usual rules when putting together a SELECT statement
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Where must the CREATE VIEW statement be in a batch?
- It must be the first statement
- It cannot be inside an IF statement
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Are there any considrations that must be made when naming a view? With respect to other objects in the database.
Because it is an object in the database it must have a name that is unique from all other objects
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
You can name the columns right after the new view name or you can name them in the SELECT statement by aliasing the column. Which is better?
- CREATE VIEW Sales.OrderTotalsByYear(orderyear, qty)
- SELECT YEAR(O.orderdate) AS orderyear, SUM(OD.qty) AS qty
As you can see, it would be better to put them in the SELECT statement so they are right next to the column they are naming instead of having to look back and forth between CREATE statement and SELECT statement
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What are the three view options and which of them can be used together?
You can use any combination of the three. Meaning you could also use just one or two.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
It makes it difficult for users to discover the SELECT text of the view. Note it is not strong encryption.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
It returns the metadata of the view instead of the base table.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How many SELECT statements can you use when creating a view?
- Only one. Because a requirement of a view is that only one result set is returned.
- However, you can use UNION ALL or UNION to combine result sets in one view thereby having more than one SELECT statement
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How does the WITH CHECK OPTION work on a view?
When modifying data through a view, it is possible to modify a row such that it would no longer be included in the view due to the WHERE clause filter on the view. WITH CHECK OPTION restricts changes to the data if it would no longer be included because the new data isn’t included in the WHERE clause.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What are the 4 restricitons of views?
- They cannot have an ORDER BY clause. They must return a relational result.
- You cannot pass parameters to a view
- you cannot create a table using a view. For example, using SELECT/INTO syntax.
- A view can only reference permanent tables, not temporary ones.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How can you order a view if they can’t include an ORDER BY clause?
SELECT the already created view and use an ORDER BY clause.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What is the one scenario in which an ORDER BY clause is included in a CREATE VIEW statement and does it order the data?
When creating a view, you can use ORDER BY in conjuction with TOP or OFFSET-FETCH. However, this will not order the final result set that is returned by the view so it is still considered relational.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Does a view store data or just a definition by a SELECT statement of how the results should be built?
Just the definition
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
In what situation would data in a view actually be stored to disk?
- If you created a unique clustered index on the views
- There are a number of restrictions that must be satisfied to do this and they are discussed later
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What will a query plan show if you select a view?
The underlying tables of the view, the view itself will not be an object in the plan.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
- Allows you to change the views structure and add or remove columns.
- ALTER VIEW simply redefines how the view works by re-issuing the entire view definition
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Sample ALTER VIEW statement
ALTER VIEW view_name
SELECT statement
WITH SCHEMABINDING is optional. Include so the underlying tables of the view cannot have their definitions changed unless the view is dropped.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How do you drop a view?
DROP VIEW view_name
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How do you check to see if a view exists, drop it if it does and replace it with the new view definition you want?
IF OBJECT_ID(N'Sales.OrderTotalsByYear',N'V') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW Sales.OrderTotalsByYear; GO CREATE VIEW Sales.OrderTotalsByYear ...
Note: The V stands for view objects
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What 5 restrictions are there to updating data through a view?
- Insert, update and delete statements must reference only on underlying table of the view at a time no matter how many tables the view references
- You cannot change data in column of the view that were created using expressions, only columns off the underlying tables
- You cannot modify data in a view column that is computed from a UNION, UNION ALL, CROSS JOIN, EXCEPT or INTERSECT
- You cannot modify data in a view where values result from grouping such as when using DISTINCT, GROUP BY, HAVING.
- You cannot modify data in a view that has TOP or OFFSET-FETCH accompanied by the WITH CHECK OPTION clause.
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What permission does a user need to view metadata?
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
How can you explore view metadata?
Query the sys.views catalog view
SELECT name, object_id, principle_id, schema_id, type
FROM sys.views
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
Since you can’t pass parameters to a view, what can you use that simulates passing a parameter to a view?
An Inline Table-Valued Function
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What two options can you apply to Inline Table-Valued functions that you can also apply to views?
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What is partitioned view or local partitioned view?
- A view that uses union statements to combine data from partitioned tables.
- The tables are in one database or at least one instance of SQL Server
SQL Server 70-461 09-01
What is distributed partition view?
- A view that uses union statements to combine data from partitioned tables
- The tables are spread across multiple SQL Server Instances
SQL Server 70-461 09-01