Vietnam War Flashcards
Fighting the French
French had controlled Vietnam before war
Wanted it back after Ho Chi Minh takes over
Fights for 9 years funded by Americans
French lose and pull out in 1954
Fighting the Japanese
During WW2 Vietnam was captured by Japanese
Strong anti Japanese movement developed
Led by Ho Chi Minh - Viet Minh
Walk into Hanoi after war and declare independence
Escalation of American involvement
Domino Theory - India might fall to communism
American Politics - Voted in to be tough on communism
Military-Industrial Complex - getting rich off the war
French Surrender
Split into North and South Vietnam
North Vietnamese army creates Ho Chi Minh trail
Supply route into South Vietnam
North Vietnam makes National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Viet Cong
16000 American advisers help to organise South Vietnamese army
More advisers and equipment arrive
Viet Cong use guerrilla tactics on South Vietnamese army
North Vietnam fires on American boats in Gulf of Tonkin
Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin resolution
February - Operation Rolling Thunder starts
March - first combat troops - 3500 - arrive in Da Nang
June-September - Major Viet Cong offensive
November - Battle in La Dreng valley - Heavy loss for communists
Americans build up heavy encampments
US control towns
Vietcong control countryside
Communists unable to force out Americans
January - Tet offensive - Large scale Vietcong attack on cities. American embassy in Saigon attacked. Hue levelled by fighting
Defeat for communists but big shock for Americans
November - Operation Rolling Thunder stops after 3 years
American policy of Vietnamisation begins - Withdrawing troops and handing control over to South Vietnamese army
May - Battle for Hamburger Hill
Fighting spreads to Cambodia
Secret talks between Kissinger and Le Duc
Most American troops out of Vietnam
Major communist offensive captures more ground
Bombers bomb Hanoi and Haiphong
Ceasefire in Paris
End of draft in USA
Last US troops leave Vietnam
South Vietnam falls to communists
Vietcong tactics
Guerrilla Warfare
Booby traps
Underground tunnel networks
Vietcong kinder to villagers - Hearts and minds won over
US tactics
Bombing - Rolling Thunder - Could only slow down communists
Chemical weapons - Agent Orange - large scale weed killer to destroy forests
Napalm - Burned through jungles and skin - killed many civilians
Search and Destroy - Zippo raids
US troop problems
Low Morale and Inexperience - mostly poorly trained immigrant background - one year term of service
Vietnam’s neighbours - Laos and Cambodia friendly to Vietcong
Hearts and minds - never own over the support of the villagers
My Lai massacre
March 1968 - Charlie company on search and destroy mission
Quang Nai region of South Vietnam - Told there was an hq in My Lai
Killed 300-400 civilians - three weapons removed, no Vietcong
Ronald Ridenhour sends letter to government 1 year later - talks of something dark and bloody
Investigation ended in trials for Calley but not rest - let out in less than 1/6 of his sentence
Vietnam and the Media
Early stages - Pro Vietnam - followed official statements
Walter Cronkite the voice of America
Later stages - Starts to show zippo raids, Tet offensive etc.
shocking to Americans
Anti Vietnam protests
Civil Rights campaigners - war highlighted racial inequality in America Muhammad Ali supported campaigners - Stripped of title and passport
Students - Student protests against draft - huge protests in Washington
Kent State - national guard open fire on demonstrators - people horrified