Vietnam War Flashcards
Vietnamese Nationalism and the First Indochina War: 1900–1954
1919 France ignores Ho Chi Minh’s demands at Versailles Peace Conference
1926 Bao Dai becomes last Vietnamese emperor
1930 Ho founds Indochinese Communist Party
1940 Japan occupies Vietnam
1941 Ho founds Viet Minh
1945 Viet Minh takes Hanoi in August Revolution Ho takes power, establishes Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) Truman rejects DRV’s request for formal recognition
1946 First Indochina War begins
1954 Viet Minh defeat French at Dien Bien Phu
French Colonialism
France invaded Vietnam in attempt to out do each other in wrath and power. After forcing a peace treaty in 1862, the French established a colonial government for Vietnam in the form of a protectorate that the French called Cochin China. Saigon was established as the capital. In 1893 the French combined all their Vietnamese and Cambodian protectorates with the territory of Laos to form French Indochina.
The Geneva Conference
The defeat at Dien Bien Phu humiliated the French and turned the tide of French public opinion against the war. The French government, wanting to end the fighting, organized the Geneva Conference, which lasted until July 1954. At the conference, diplomats from France, Vietnam, the United States, the USSR, Britain, China, Laos, and Cambodia declared a cease-fire and decided to split Vietnam officially at the 17th parallel, into Communist-controlled North Vietnam (under Ho and the Viet Minh) and South Vietnam (under Bao Dai).
The Geneva Accords, as these agreements were called, also required French withdrawal from North Vietnam and Viet Minh withdrawal from South Vietnam. The accords also promised reunification of Vietnam after free elections, which were to be to be held by July 1956. As it turned out, these elections were never held.
U.S. Involvement and the Cold War Context: 1947–1955
Containment doctrine begins to influence U.S. foreign policy
1948 USSR blockades Berlin; United States responds with Berlin airlift
1949 USSR conducts first successful atomic bomb test China falls to Communist rebels under Mao Zedong
1954 Eisenhower articulates domino theory
1955 U.S.-backed Ngo Dinh Diem ousts Bao Dai from power in South Vietnam
George F. Kennan
U.S. State Department analyst who developed influential policy of containment in 1947
Harry S Truman
33rd U.S. president; adopted containment as a major part of U.S. foreign policy
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th U.S. president; modified containment policy with more pessimistic domino theory
Ngo Dinh Diem
U.S.–backed leader of South Vietnam; took power in fraudulent elections in 1955
Origins of the Cold War
Tension was high after WW2 between the USA and USSR. Winston Churchill stated an ‘iron curtain’ had fallen due to the secrecy between the nations.
This policy of containment became extraordinarily influential in the U.S. government and became the basis of U.S. policy for much of the Cold War.
Three major events in 1948 and 1949 brought the American fear of Communism to a fever pitch.
• First, the USSR, which controlled East Germany, attempted to drive U.S., British, and French forces out of West Berlin by cutting off all outside access to the city. The United States responded to this blockade with the Berlin airlift over the winter of 1948–1949, dropping crucial supplies into West Berlin until the Soviet Union relented.
• Then, in August 1949, the USSR successfully tested its first atomic bomb.
• Finally, in October 1949, after years of civil war, the Nationalist government of China fell to the Communist forces of Mao Zedong.
The combined force of these three events plunged the United States into a deep paranoia and fear that Communists would take over the world and might even be plotting secret operations in the United States.
In this environment of alarm, national security advisors of U.S. president Harry S Truman wrote an influential memo called NSC-68 , which advocated a tremendous increase in military spending to finance a massive military buildup, hoping to deter Soviet aggression. Following the policy outlined by this document, the United States became increasingly concerned with Communist expansion anywhere, not just at the critical points that Kennan had identified. Combined with the beginning of the Korean War in 1950, NSC-68 encouraged President Truman to begin a rapid buildup of the U.S. military.
Domino Theory
After the fall of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, Truman’s successor, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, gave a speech that would soon become famous and important as an outline of U.S. Cold War policy. In the speech, Eisenhower drew on Kennan’s previously articulated containment policy but went a step further in describing what became known as the domino theory. Eisenhower stated that the United States needed not only to contain the USSR at critical locations but in all locations, for if one nation became Communist, its neighbors were likely to turn Communist as well, falling like a row of dominoes.
If Vietnam became Communist, domino-theory logic held that all of Indochina, and perhaps even all of Southeast Asia, might become Communist. Well aware of the popularity of Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh associates in both North and South Vietnam, U.S. leaders feared that the free elections promised at the Geneva Conference, which were scheduled to occur in 1956, would result in a unified, Communist Vietnam.
Ngo Dinh Diem
Committed to the logic of the domino theory, U.S. leaders sought to forestall the elections in Vietnam. The United States thus threw its support behind the politician Ngo Dinh Diem, a Vietnamese nationalist and Catholic who emphasized Confucian values of loyalty and tradition and opposed the overthrow of old Vietnamese social structures—a move that the revolutionary Vietnamese Communists advocated.
The Republic of Vietnam
In 1955, with U.S. support, Diem rejected the prospect of Vietnam-wide elections as specified by the Geneva Accords and instead held a referendum limited to the southern half of the country. Using fraud and intimidation, Diem won over 98 percent of the vote, removed the feeble Bao Dai from power, and proclaimed South Vietnam to be the Republic of Vietnam (RVN). A CIA operative working in Saigon, Edward Lansdale, was installed as an advisor to Diem. The United States then helped Diem organize the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) to control his new state.