Vietnam War Flashcards
1950s onward
CCP support of North Vietnam
Provided North Vietnam with assistance and supports
Demonstrates the ideological aspect to the Vietnam conflict; evidence of patron- client relationship within the Communist bloc
Apr 1954
Eisenhower’s policy of the Domino Theory
Provided essential context to account for US to support South Vietnam
Demonstrates the ideological aspect as it was a key reason why US got involved
7 May 1954
French defeat at Dien Bien Phu
Marked the end of the first Indochina War as colonial rule of the French came to an end
Increased US commitment (fear of domino theory)
July 1954
Geneva Accords
Established that the 17th parallel was a temporary demarcation line
Elections were to be held in 1956
Oct 1955
Diem’s referendum over South Vietnam
Was a poor administrator and his brother Nhu controlled an extensive system of extortion, payoffs and influence peddling.
Declaration of the Republic of Vietnam
Heightened local conflict as such a move questioned the legitimacy of Diem and his government.
Development of North- South Vietnam conflict
Vietcong begins program of terrorism
Many non-communist Vietnamese also decided to join due to the corruption of their local officials.
Southerners specially trained in the North as insurgents were infiltrated back into the South along with arms and equipment. This movement was to remove Diem and his government.
Dec 1960
Formation of National Liberation Front (NLF)
They were formed as the political arm of the Vietcong, an umbrella organisation to unite all anti-Diem groups.
June 1963
Buddhist Crisis
Immolation of Buddhist monk
Thich Quang Duc publicly immolated himself with gasoline as a protest against Diem’s repression in a busy Saigon street
The response by Ngo and his family was dismissive and very insensitive so people were pissed
1 Nov 1963
CIA sponsored coup overthrowing Diem
They were arrested and assassinated by his own military which was backed by the CIA
Reflection of the instability in South Vietnam at that point
22 Nov 1963
Death of Kennedy
At this point, there are 16000 American advisors in South Vietnam
After Johnson becomes president of US
Johnson doubled down on American commitment and managed to increase the troops to 23000 by the end of 1964
He was very aware of the test of US credibility in Vietnam at this point in 1964
August 1964
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Used as justification for increased involvement in Vietnam
Two destroyers were sent on surveillance, and they reported a second attack by torpedo boats.
The captain said the second incident was inconclusive, but Johnson and his advisers chose to believe those who said a second attack had taken place
Nov 1964-
Re- election of Johnson as president
Reflected the popularity of his stance regarding the VIetnam issue.
Johnson escalated by ordering retaliatory air strikes against North Vietnamese naval bases and called for congressional support for a broad mandate to take whatever actions were needed to deal with future threats. It passed congress.
This enabled a military response by the US and empowered them to do anything needed, essentially a blank cheque
1965- 1968
Operation Rolling Thunder
At this point, the situation had changed for the worse and they needed this to fulfill the objectives of boosting the morale of the Saigon regime, persuade North Vietnam to stop supporting the communist insurgency without actually taking any forces into North Vietnam, to destroy North Vietnam’s transportation system and halt the flow of men and material via South Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh trail.
It was kept a secret from the American public.
Additional sorties delivered defoliating agents like Agent Orange and napalm to remove the jungle cover that the Vietcong used. (they just went underground instead tho…)
1965- 1970s
Increased Soviet aid to Hanoi
From 1965 to 1972, they sent a total of US$3Billion in aid
Still competing with China
Eventually won against the Chinese as the Socialist Vietnam became a Soviet ally in 1975
Oct 1967
March on the Pentagon
35000 demonstrators protested the conduct of the war in the US.
Jan 1968
Tet Offensive
Was a turning point
By 1967, more Americans were growing dissatisfied with the war.
It was a series of coordinated attacks by the communists, one of which penetrated the compound of the US embassy.
But the US and South Vietnamese forces struck back and regained control by March 1968.
But the political outcome was a loss for Johnson’s government. Till this point, the American public was left with the impression that the US was in desperate states even though they were told that they were winning the war.
Apr 1968- 1969
Stalled negotiations under Johnson
There was a stalemate because (Nixon sabotaged the talks and there was no clear military advantage). Also Hanoi wanted the US to stop bombing entirely before they seriously talked.
Johnson announced cessation of bombings till 31 October when the Soviets informed Washington in October that the NV would halt attacks and begin negotiations.
The halt had no breakthrough and only more bickering.
This is because Nixon reached out to the South Vietnamese and promised better terms if they would screw up the talks. This made the democratic party look weak and Nixon could become president.
Jan 1969
Nixon inaugurated as President of US
Nixon spoke of the need to demonstrate American determination to keep its promises; otherwise, instability and violence would spread globally. He also announced a new policy: Vietnamization or the Nixon Doctrine.
According to this policy, the United States would assist in the defense of other nations, but those nations would have to supply the manpower for their defense.
Acknowledging the effect of the anti-war demonstrations and seeking a counterweight, Nixon finished his speech by evoking “the great silent majority of” Americans who, he hoped, would support his efforts to end the war on terms acceptable to the United States.
1969 onwards
Nixon’s Vietnamisation of the conflict
reduction of US forces in Vietnam
Vietnamisation was a means of achieving an honourable exit, through the gradual pulling out of soldiers from Vietnam but increasing economic and military aid to the South to place the responsibility on them. It would give them an honourable exit while leaving a viable government in South Vietnam. (This is to save face and put the onus on the South Vietnamese without looking like it was their withdrawal).
1969- 1972
Infighting between Nixon and Thieu stalling negotiations
Nicon agrees to terms of a ceasefire with the DRV. They would not insist on replacing Thieu and DRV troops do not have to leave RVN.
They did this without involving Thieu in the talks.
27 Jan 1973
Signing of ceasefire on Vietnam War
Resumed negotiations. The ceasefire was signed by all sides and agreed that within 60 days (29 March 1973), the US would remove all its military forces.
30 Apr 1975
Fall of Saigon to North Vietnam; reunification of Vietnam
On 21 April 1975, Thieu resigned and flew to Taiwan.
On 30 April, the rest surrendered unconditionally and the remaining Americans escaped.
The second indochina war is over
Country united as Socialist Republic of Vietnam soon after