Vietnam Flashcards
What did the french call Vietnam at the time
Who was the leader of north Vietnam (Vietminh)
Ho Chi Minh
What time was Vietnam ruled by the french until?
Who was the Vietcong
Villagers in south Vietnam that rebelled against diem communist group of fighters
Who was the leader of south vietnam
Capitalist president diem
Why did America get involved
Eisenhower’s domino theory and didn’t want communism spreading. Didn’t send troops at first because they didn’t want to be seen getting involved (kept it secret at first)
What was the Ho Chi Minh trail
A secret trail of supplies from north Vietnam to south Vietnam that supported the Vietnam with guns and ammo and food etc
What was the south Vietnamese army called
What was the south Vietnamese army called
How did America help diem
- sent military advisors
- money and weapons sent
- encourages strategic hamlet
How did Johnson escalate the war?
- gulf or Tonkin
- sent troops
What happened at the gulf of Tonkin?
The USS Maddox navel ship was attacked at the gulf of Tonkin by north Vietnam
When was the gulf or Tonkin
What was the gulf of Tonkin resolution
Allowed Johnson to attack north (excuse)
When did Johnson order a bombing on north Vietnam