Aspect ratio
Relationship between 2 amounts
Width to the height of an image
16:9 is the general standard today
A tiny dot on a screen
An image on a screen is made up of many pixels
Stores audio
Stores audio and video
Stores multiple image frames, 256 colour scale
Stores image data, lossy compressed
Stores image data, lossless, transparent layer
Quicktime multimedia file format
File format: Video file format
Extension: .mov
Used for: Lossy
Mpeg layer 4
File format: Video file format
Extension: .mp4
Used for: Lossy, streaming, small file size
Windows Media Video
File format: Video file format
Extension: .wmv
Used for: Used by Windows
Waveform Audio File Format
File format: Sound file format
Extension: .wov
Used for: Lossless
Mpeg layer 3
File format: Sound file format
Extension: .mp3
Used for: Compressed (small) audio
Windows Media Audio
File format: Sound file format
Extension: .wma
Used for: Used by Windows
Joint Photographic Experts Group
File format: Picture file format
Extension: .jpeg
Used for: Compressed (small)
Portable Network Graphic
File format: Picture file format
Extension: .png
Used for: Lossless image format, transparent layer
Graphic Interface Format
File format: Picture file format
Extension: .gif
Used for: Lossless image format, multi frame (animated)
256 colours only, transparent
Extreme wide shots
To establish setting and area
Wide shot/Long shot
Great for establishing scene + character walking
Medium shot
Allows more details about character body language
Close up
Focus on character expression (face)
Extreme close up
Two shot
Two characters in a scene, great for a conversation
What is production pipeline?
- A way to organise steps of production to maximise efficiency
- Keep everyone on task, and on time
What does production pipeline consist of?
- Pre-production
- Production
- Post-production