Vida cotidiana 1 Lots +jun23, Flashcards
I don´t want to have an argument with you. (2 dif words)
No quiero tener un pleito/una discusión contigo.
Discusión según Daniela can be argument or discussion depending on context
pleito used in LA usually violent,
pleito also means lawsuit
un argumento - argument but like making a case
Also una pelea = fight, quarrel, argument
also una disputa - dispute, discussion, argument, but not used very much
discurso = speech
If you all want to know just ask her. I’m sure she won’t mind.
Si lo quieren saber, simplemente pregúntenle. Seguro que no le importará. this is importará is future, not subjunctive
importar - to matter
segurar que must be a phrase and is without the de BUT
Estoy seguro de que takes de and I think seguro changes gender in this, yes it does
I keep the fire going.
He keeps the fire going.
I tend the fire.
Yo mantengo el fuego encendido. O en marcha.
Mantengo el fuego. (I keep the fire.)
Mantiene el fuego encendido.
Atiendo el fuego.
Julio says encendio is like something burning out of control.
the screw
el tornillo
think the torn knee - when you are screwing in a screw you could get a torn knee
What I need is someone to correct me.
Lo que necesito es alguien que me corrija.
(this is not tú, it is alguien so 1st person singular, yo corrijo, o changes to a for subjunctive)
two clauses 2 subjects joined by que, second is subjunctive
What I NEED/NECESITO triggers subjunctive
I (VS) started to read it but I fell asleep.
Empecé a leerlo pero me quedé dormida.
seems you shouldn´t use caerse dormido
to fall asleep
dormirse/quedarse dormido/dormida
Would you give/get me a Phillips-head screwdriver from the tool box?
¿Me darías (me traerías - to bring) o podrías darme un destornillador de estrella de la caja de herramientas? Tools is f
dar is to give
I forgot to put your names down, Leah and Cliona.
Se me olvidó poner sus nombres, Leah y Cliona.
- olvidar algo o a alguien - Olvidé las llaves. (I did it)
NO DE, regular conjugation - olvidarse algo - Me olvidé las llaves. (accidental) NO DE, regular conjugation
- olvidarse de algo - Me olvidé de las llaves. (I forgot about the keys, sort of)
only one WITH DE, regular conjugation - olvidarsele a alguien/algo - Se me olvidaron las llaves. (the keys forgot themselves on me, keys is plural so keys forgot, llaves olvidaron,) Se me olvidó la llave. The key forgot itself on me.
NO DE, only reverse construction
I (VS) fell asleep.
Scarlett fell asleep.
Ev fell asleep immediately.
Me quedé dormida.
Scarlett se quedó dormida.
Everett se durmió inmediatamente.
Don´t complain about the hotel! tú
Don´t complain about the hotel! ud.
No se queje del hotel.
it is quejarse!
Ud. Ask her!
Tú. Ask her!
Ud. Pregúntele!
Tú. Pregúntale!
the screwdriver
el destornillador
think des torn knee ador
el tornillo = the screw
the prejudice
the harm, damage,
el prejuicio el perjuicio (related to perjudicar)
We need one inch nails for this project.
Mario sells pencils.
Necesitamos clavos de una pulgada para este proyecto.
think an inch = UNA pulgada
- asking julio 30-6 why NOT los clavos, he says sometimes in Spanish a plural doesn´t need an article, tornillos, cosas de construción necesito martillos de 2 libras , necesito plumas verdes
- ALSO not needed if using noun of UNSPECIFIED QUANTITY
- Mario vende lápices.