Vicarious Liability (Non-intentional) Flashcards
What is the AO1 for vicarious liability non intentional split into?
-Employment Relationship
-Acting in the course of employment
What is the difference between AO1 plan for intentional and non-intentional VL?
Intentional is Intro, employment relationship, close connection, defences and remedies. Non-intentional is the same but instead of close connection it’s acting in the course of employment
What is included in the AO1 intro for VL?
-The test for Vicarious Liability - Non intentional torts:
-To test if the employer is vicariously liable it must be satisfied that:
1. There is an employment relationship between the tortfeasor and the employer
2. The D committed the tort whilst acting in the course of employment
What is included in the AO1 for employment relationship?
-Must be a relationship of employment between TF and D
-If courts can’t find a relationship of employment they try to establish a relationship akin to employment
-CBC case
-Cox v MOJ
-Economic test
-Control test
What is the economic test?
This test considers a number of economic factor when trying to decide if the tortfeasor is an employee or independent contractor
What is the control test?
The judges will decide if the tortfeasor is an employee by looking at the control that the employer has over the employee
What is included in Acting in the course of employment?
-The Salmond Test
-An authorised act
-An unauthorised act
-Negligent act
-Own frolic
What is described in acting in the course of employment - authorised act?
The defendant can be liable if the tort occurred when the tortfeasor was carrying out an authorised act
What is described in acting in the course of employment - unauthorised act?
The defendant can be liable if the tort occurred when the tf was carrying out an authorised act in an unauthorised way (Limpus V London General Omnibus Company)
What is described in acting in the course of employment - Negligent act?
The defendant can be liable if the tort occurred when the tortfeasor was carrying out an authorised act in a negligent way (Century Insurance Co)
What is described in acting in the course of employment - Own frolic?
The defendant will not be liable if the tort occurred whilst the tortfeasor was on their own frolic (Hilton v Thomas Burton Ltd)
What is included in Defences?
Volenti - No liability if the C consented
Contributory negligence - Damages will be reduced where the claimant has contributed
What is included in remedies?
-If the employee is acting in the course of employment and the employer is found vicariously liable, then the employer will be instructed to pay compensation to the injured
-(Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978) - The employer can recover any of the compensation paid out from the employee for example it can be deducted from wage
What is the non-intentional torts AO2 split into?
-Parties involved
-Is the tortfeasor an employee
-Close connection
What is the AO2 parties involved?
-The D is… why?
-The tortfeasor is … why?
-The C is …. why?
What is the AO2 - is the tortfeasor an employee?
-Here there is/isn’t a contractual relationship of employment because…
-Here the relationship is/isn’t akin to a relationship of employment because…
-CBC 5 part test
-If not, say the person who committed the tort is an independent contractor and not an employee and therefore the D will not be liable
What is the AO2 - close connection? (4 possibly relevant applications)
-The tort that was committed was…
(Apply relevant ones below)
-Was the tortfeasor doing an authorised act? why? how? (this will class as in course of employment)
-Was the tortfeasor acting against orders? why? (this will class as in course of employment)
-Was tortfeasor acting negligently?why?(this classes as in course of employment)
-Was tf acting upon their own frolic?why? (this isn’t in the course of employment)
What is the AO2 - Defences?
-Contributory Negligence - How did C contribute to their own injuries, state it’d reduce damages awarded
1. C consented to risk because…
2. Did the C have precise knowledge of the risk, why?
3. Did the C exercise free will to carry out the activity, why?
4. Did the C voluntarily accept the risk?
What is the 4 part test of volenti?
-The C consented to the risk because…
-Did the C have precise knowledge of the risk, why?
-Did the C exercise free will to carry out the activity, why?
-Did the C voluntarily accept the risk?
what is the remedies?
-If successful the C would receive compensatory damages
-The employer could claim the compensation back from the tf