Vicarious Liability Flashcards
Vicarious Liability - General Concept
- liability that is derivatively imposed
- means one person commits a tortious act against a third party + another person will be liable to the third party for this act
- employer vicariously liable for tortious acts committed by their employee if the acts occur within the scope of the employment relationship
Employment Vicarious Liability - Frolic vs. Detour
- employee making a minor deviation from employer’s business for own purposes is still acting within scope of employment
- if deviation in time or geographic area is substantial though, employer is not liable
Employment Vicarious Liability - Intentional Torts
- usually not considered within scope of employment
- employee is furthering the business of the employer (ex: removing customers from premises because they’re rowdy)
- force is authorized in the employment (ex: a bouncer)
- friction is generated by the employment (ex: bill collector)
Employers - Liability for Own Negligence
- employers may be liable for their own negligence by negligently selecting or supervising their employees
- NOT vicarious liability in this instance
Independent Contractor Situations
- hiring party generally not liable for tortious acts of independent contractor when hiring party does not control the manner and method in which the independent contractor performs the job
- public policy exceptions though where a duty is nondelegable
Independent Contractors - Liability for Own Negligence
- employer may be liable for own negligence in selecting or supervising the independent contractor
- not vicarious liability
Partners and Joint Venturers
- each member of a partnership or joint venture is vicariously liable for the tortious conduct of another member committed in the scope and course of the affairs of the partnership or joint venture
Automobile Owners + Vicarious Liability
- generally not vicariously liable for tortious conduct of another person driving your car
Some jurisdictions have exceptions:
- family car doctrine
- permissive use
- negligent entrustment
- driver acting as agent for owner (would be liable here)
Family Car Doctrine
- in many states, owner is liable for tortious conduct of immediate family or household members who are driving with the owner’s express or implied permission
Automobiles - Permissive Use
- some states impose liability for damage caused by anyone driving w/ owner’s consent
- under fed statute, rental car cos are not vicariously liable for negligent accidents of customers
Automobiles - Negligent Entrustment
- owner can be liable for OWN negligence in entrusting the car to a driver
Bailment + Vicarious Liability
- bailor generally not vicariously liable for tortious conduct of bailee
- could be liable under negligent entrustment though
Parent+ Vicarious Liability
- parent not vicariously liable for tortious conduct of child at common law, though most states make them statutorily liable for willful + intentional torts up to a certain dollar amount
- can impose vicarious liability if child committed tort while acting as agent for parents
- parent may be held liable for negligence in allowing child to do something or failing to mitigate harmful conduct
Tavernkeepers - Common Law
- no liability was imposed on vendors of intoxicating beverages for injuries resulting from patron’s intoxication, whether sustained by the patron or a third person as a result of patron’s conduct
Tavernkeepers - Modern Law
- many states have enacted Dramshop Acts ->usually create cause of action in favor of any third person injured by intoxicated patron
- several courts have also imposed liability on tavernkeepers even w/o such acts based on ordinary negligence