Vicarious liability Flashcards
what is vicarious liability?
The tortfeasor has a special relationship with the defendant - the tortfeasor is not being sued, its the organisation/employer.
how has the law changed int his area?
scope of liability has expanded to include relationships akin to employer-employee. Pro-claim.
how strict is liability here?
Strict, no default liability as it is a controversial area. D does not have to be blameworthy. More concerned with practical realities of claimant’s ability to receive compensation.
which case puts forward policy justifications and what are they?
Christian Brothers and Cox v MOJ.
Allocation of economic benefits and risks – because employers economically benefit from the performance of an employees task, they should also should some of that risk.
Employers typically have deep pockets – this spreads he financial burden in society. If the burden is placed solely on the tortfeasor, they could go bankrupt and the claimant would not see proper compensation.
Loss distribution (i.e. insurance can covet this) - employers are likely to have employee insurance.Which case lsits policy jusitfications and what are they?
Encouragement of good working practices – employee is often under the control of the employer, and as it encourages employers to be vigilant.
what is the decision framework:
stage 1: There must be an employer-employee relationship (or one akin to it) between the defendant and the tortfeasor.
stage 2
The employee must have committed a tort; and
stage 3
The tort must be committed while the employee was acting in the course of their employment.
Which workers are diffecutl to establish an employer/employee relationship for?
independent contractors/self employment/ agency workers
Which employer/employee relationship shave been distinguished between by the courts?
employees and independent contractors
- Barclays Bank v Various claimants.
Is there a test for stage 1?
no single test - Market investigations Ltd
What was the historical stance on stage 1?
Control test:
How much ‘control’ does the defendant have over the ‘employee’? See eg. Stephenson Jordan & Harrison Ltd
what other releavnt factors were considered in stage 1?
JGE v the trustees if the portsmouth RCatholic Dioscean trust
To what extent is the worker managed or accountable to the employer
The centrality of their actions tot he firm
Integration of their activities to the business?
What is dual employment?
A worker is hired out to another company.
what test is used for stage one in the case of dual employment?
The control test has still been held to be applicable in Mersey Docks v Coggins and Griffith.
HArbour authority = true employers
what is the general rule of dual employment?
Original employer (permanent) will remain reliable unless the heavy burden is met of showing that employment has been transferred to the temporary employer.
What Q was asked by the court in Hawlrey v Luminar Leisure?
who was entitle and therefore obliged to control the door stewards acts so as to prevent it (who was in control of him)? Nightclub was held to be liable.w
which factors were the court influenced gy in Hawley v Luminar leisure?
Bouncer didn’t have special skill, the club could have employed someone directly and that’s on them.
When the bouncer committed the tort, they were implicitly acting on the manager’s authority.
Bouncer was wearing uniform supplied by the club.c